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The O-bama Effect!

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Message Julie Washington
As an agent of Change, Obama has already had a positive effect and change on our political landscape as evidenced by the "nicer tones" of the current campaign commercials and political discourse prevalent today among the candidates, which heretofore has been down right dirty and nasty. This is due to Obama's position not too take the low road, continuing to walk the high road in spite of earlier low poll numbers -- and to focus and speak on the important issues facing us today, and continuing to inspire with his message of hope and change. -- And then they followed.  All of the candidates, both Republican and Democratic, are now Agents of Change too!
The change Barack is inspiring us to make is in establishing and building a "People Coalition", which in turn will be the catalyst for the emerging of a new era in American history, an era of unity and not division, which can tap that awesome seed to put power back into the people's hands, where it belongs.  For only the people, as a group untiy, can truly know what is in their best interest and make the changes, that is the only way true change can be made.  Barack Obama, is asking us to forget our petty differences and false prejudices, as change, though attempted, cannot be made if there is not unity and a solid majority.  It is impossible to implement change with bickering and divsion.  

We all know that experience matters (and Barack has experience) -- but it also should be coupled with Judgment, Wisdom, Honesty and Integrity, and the ability to lead in a positive way.  We have to remember and weigh its serious implications, that in the most important policy decision and debauchale of our times, the Iraq War, which has helped to escalate the present middle east situation, Hillary Clinton and John Edwards got it Wrong.  Barack Obama got it Right.  (See Obama's October 26, 2002 Iraq speech at an anti-war rally in Chicago.)  

Most of the mass of people that come to hear Barack Obama speak see beyond Barack's color as his Soul radiates forth (that shaft of light) penetrating and speaking to our hearts, to the best in each of us -- inspiring us towards change by coming together and working together for this change.  Many still today, and in the era of JFK, regarded President John F. Kennedy as an icon of American hopes and aspirations as they do Barack Obama now, and inspiration is the fuel for change.  You will hear people say who have been to see Barack speak he has inspired them me to do better, not just feel better.  To reach out to our enemies, to broker peace between nations.  Even President Bush who has never been to the Holy Land in his entire 7 years of being Presdient was inspired to take a trip to Isreal and try to broker peace between Isreal and Palsestien.

In summary, we in the United States know innately that United we Stand and Divided we FallBarack is asking us to unite in a Common Cause so together we can face and defeat the Herculean Problems facing us today -- to finally intergrate us as a society into the 21st Century, catching up with technology like the interenet and cell phones all examples of internconnectiveness.   This is our time and this is our calling!
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A concerned citizen who works in the legal field.
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