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Watch Lou Dobbs Tonight on Democracy at Risk

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Allegra Dengler
Message Allegra Dengler
Democracy at Risk

Please join us for a "Lou Dobbs Tonight" special this Sunday at 7 p.m. ET:
"America Votes 2006: Democracy at Risk."

We'll have a series of special reports on the dangers electronic voting
machines pose to the integrity of America's elections.

Plus, we'll be joined by two lawmakers leading the fight to secure our
nation's elections, Rep. Rush Holt, D-New Jersey, and state Rep. Brady Wiseman,

Then, three of America's leading electronic voting experts tell us what
they're doing to prevent an election disaster.


You are invited to a Free Preview Screening and
panel discussion of the HBO documentary ¦

Hacking Democracy
87% of America's votes are counted on
electronic voting machines
But there's a glitch in the system ¦

Sunday, October 29th at 7:15 PM

Special guests Bev Harris, Executive Director of Black
Box Voting Inc. and subject of the film; Ion Sancho,
Supervisor of Elections, Leon County, Florida; and Douglas
Kellner, New York State Elections Commissioner, will join
us after the film for a panel discussion.

Hacking Democracy is the story of how Bev Harris set
about proving that not only are America's elections
unsafe, but that election officials, politicians and the
companies that count the vote actively conspire to stop
anyone from checking that the results are correct.
HBO Documentary Films. 2006. 90 min. NR.
RSVP to Sarah Newbold at
_snewbold@burnsfilmcenter.org_ (mailto:snewbold@burnsfilmcenter.org) by
October 26th.

The film premiers on HBO on November 2nd. Special thanks
to HBO films for making this free preview screening possible.

Jacob Burns Film Center
364 Manville Road, Pleasantville, NY
Exit 30 Saw Mill Pkwy N/Exit 29 S
Jacob Burns Film Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit film and education

JACOB BURNS | film center
www.burnsfilmcenter.org __

Allegra Dengler
60 Judson Avenue
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

A few days before the November 2004 election, Jimmy Carter was asked what
would happen if, instead of flying to Zambia or Venezuela or East Timor, his
widely respected international election monitoring team was invited to turn its
attention to the United States. His answer was stunningly blunt. Not only
would the voting system be regarded as a failure, he said, but the shortcomings
were so egregious the Carter Center would never agree to monitor an election
there in the first place. "We wouldn't think of it," the former president
told a radio interviewer. "The American political system wouldn't measure up to
any sort of international standards, for several reasons."

from _Steal This Vote_ (http://alternet.bookswelike.net/isbn/1560256761) by
Andrew Gumbel
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Allegra Dengler is a voting activist in New York State.

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