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The New York Times or the Mullah's times?

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Ka Veh

The New York Times or the Mullah's times?

BBC Radio Farsi Edition is known in Iran as Ayatollah BBC for its disgusting support of the Mullahs in certain historical turning points where the people have stood up against the dictatorship in Iran and particularly for joining a demonization campaign against the Iranian resistance. A plaque which will never be   forgotten, not at least for this generation, and it now seems that NYT is joining the chain of the Mullah's lobbies and already within the Iranian community it is being called the Mullah's Times.

Recently and after nearly 14 years of injustice against Iran's main democratic opposition the US government which originally black listed MEK as a positive gesture to the Mullahs in Iran in order to appease the Mullahs and to help the illusive moderate faction within the government seems to be reviewing its decision whether or not to remove MEK from its FTO list. This is due to a US Federal Court verdict that after thorough investigations in July 2010 and after reviewing both classified and unclassified documents and testimonies found that the decision to blacklist MEK was unfounded and baseless and since it could not order the government to delist MEK, came up with the relatively highest possible sentence in favor of the victim in asking the US secretary of state to review its decision and delist the MEK.

After more than a year it seems like soon the decision will be announced and apparently the Iranian government's lobbies, who are the same people that originally prepared the ground for blacklisting MEK, are impatiently and viciously warning against the delisting. The New York Times which has been keeping quiet about major developments regarding the Iranian people's struggle for democracy (such as a gathering of more than 100 thousands supporters of MEK in Villepinte Paris last June) has published two articles by such disgrace lobbyists, repeating series of lies outlined by the ministry of Information in Iran. The tactic is very much the same as always, scaring the US authorities of a "cult type" organization which has no support in Iran!! but is so important that delisting it will make the "hardliners" in Iran more suppressive and will therefore make the already twisted relations with Iran worse!!  

Sitting on the wealth of the oil rich country the Mullahs have been spending millions of dollars in getting "figure heads" to lobby against its main democratic opposition in order to limit their activities abroad and to justify the massacre of its supporters inside the torture chambers in Iran or in Camp Ashraf in Iraq where some 3400 of them reside in exile. NIAC is one of many organizations that was setup with the funding of the Iranian government to focus on demonizing MEK and it is the one who is actually behind the recent campaign trying to prevent the delisting.

The articles written by Elizabeth Rubin, (James rubin's sister and Christian Amanpour's sister in Law who are both very well known lobbies of the mullahs) or that of couple of weeks ago by Tim Arango are just reworded articles repeating the same one-sided lies about MEK. The allegations are, killing Americans in 1970s in Iran, being a cult, having lost their popularity in Iran for siding with Sadam Hossein in the Iran-Iraq war!! In fact doing a little search on NIAC's website one can find the "fact sheet" which has been used by all these freelance writers!! who have all of a sudden become interested in Iran's politics and are concerned about Iran's main opposition not to be delisted, so the Mullahs can continue hanging their supporters in Iran and massacring their members in camp Ashraf, and therefore preserve power for the mullahs in Iran. Shame!

The truth however is that all of the allegations are lies and for anyone interested to find the truth there are many sources available online to independently verify all of those allegations. MEK has never killed any Americans and indeed today many distinguished American authorities are standing for their rights, such as Howard Dean, Rudie Juliani, General Hugh Shelton, General Peter Pace, Tom Ridge, and plenty others. NYT is suggesting that all of these dignitaries have been paid by MEK to challenge their government, but lacks to say a word about all the facts and reasoning they have used to prove that blacklisting of MEK has been a political decision to begin with and a shame on the American policy. It also lacks the ability to realize that a resistance that some 120000 of its members and supporters have been executed in Iran, including youngsters as young as 13 and elderlies as old as 70 can't be a cult.

MEK members fought against the Iraqi forces when the war started, but signed a peace agreement with the Iraqi government when Iraqi forces retreated behind the International borders. This was at the time a very brave move by MEK which was meant to force end a destructive war that was used only by the mullahs to justify the domestic suppression of the intellectuals in Iran and to cover up the lack of socio economical capabilities in dealing with the internal crisis. Unlike what the mullah's lobby wants to project, MEK actually broke the taboo of the war and forced Khomeini (regime's supreme leader) to sign a cease fire with Iraq, what Khomeini later called as bitter as drinking a chalice of venom.  

Nevertheless 7 courts in UK and in EU including the highest court in UK which after long and detailed hearings and after reviewing hundreds of pages of documents assembled by the same shameless lobbies against the Iranian resistance, finally ruled against the blacklisting of MEK and the law lord, Lord Philips in 2008 called the UK government's decision to proscribe MEK as "perverse" and ordered for immediate delisting of MEK, a decision which was later followed by the EU first court of instance taking MEK from the EU blacklist in 2009. I think this is enough to judge the validity of any of the allegations for someone with the right mind.

Therefore I do not see the need to reply to every single lie that they have put together about the Iranian resistance. It is the same tactic that is being used by all dictators to discredit their oppositions. Just like Bashar Asads propaganda machine calling millions of dissidents in Syria who are sacrificing their lives for freedom hooligans and influenced by foreigners!!

The demonization campaign against the Iranian resistance will never help the mullah's flee from their destiny. Freedom will prevail in Iran and the disgrace will remain on governments who have instead of siding with the people's resistance have knowingly or unknowingly sided with the dictators. Shame!

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A human rights activist. Concerned about religious fanaticism in Iran as the heartland of religious fascism and therefore a huge problem for the entire world to deal with to preserve peace and tranquility in Middle East and therefore the whole world.
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The New York Times or the Mullah's times?

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