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Santa Fraud

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   2 comments

Vi Ransel
Message Vi Ransel

Perhaps the lie is the point,
so children expect promises to be broken
by those in whom they have placed their trust,
making it easier for them to be co-opted.

On some level they know it's coming,
so they soon become comfortable with it,
since it confers the luxury of plausible deniability
on victims who have been conditioned to demand it.

They easily transfer loyalty and trust to corporations
which craft attractive and self-serving lies,
promising acceptance and happiness,
love and social status,
all of which they sell and we can just buy.

And we're relieved of the responsibility to see through this
since corporations, too, hold plausible deniability sacred.
This permits us to be complicit in our own victimization
because we pre-emptively pardon the perpetrator.

So, go ahead.  Lie to us.  We're Americans. 
We can take it. We're rugged individualists,
who depend on no one and nothing.
We live an atomized and alienated existence,

granting absolution before we are victimized
as if perpetrators had purchased indulgences
like those proffered by the medieval Church,
to anyone who might want to abuse us.

On some lonely level we know, yet pretend we don't,
that we allow ourselves to be violated,
that we did have an idea it was happening,
and that we're the orphans of a consumer society

manipulated by transnational corporations
which use our fear, lust, pride, hate, envy and greed
to sell each of us our own personal Armageddon
through the science of psychology via corporate-owned media

further exploited by "elected" representatives
previously purchased by those same corporations,
bled dry by the Pentagon, the banks and insurance
which we support right or wrong. U! S! A!

We're afraid to demand a living wage.
We allow shopping and sports to consume us.
We revere the wealthy as examples to emulate
though they're the predators who use and abuse us.

Could there be a more perfect example of denial?
You have to be very carefully taught
to accept lies devised to "civilize" and divide us
using god as the enforcing instrument of fraud

to enable our acceptance of willing submission,
and our abject obedience to authority,
which allows god to be erased from the picture
and Mammon worshipped with stunning hypocrisy.

Our parents and the institutions we're taught to hold sacred
indoctrinate us, perpetuating this fraud
in which capitalism's needs are substituted for our own.
It happened to Santa so it could happen to god.


"When the truth is found to be lies,
(and) all the joy within you dies..."
Grace Slick, from the Jefferson Airplane's
"Somebody to Love"


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Vi's works appear widely both in print and online. She conducts Poetry Workshops and gives readings in Central New York. Her latest chapbook is "Sine Qua Non Antiques (an Arcanum of History, Geography and Treachery).
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