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In Every Age

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David Cox
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Tent City
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Unto to those to whom nothing is granted are given fists of anger and to those from which much is taken rage will be recovered. Malcolm X said it like this, "I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole."

The day of rage has become the day of media silence and by now that should be expected. It is just one more reason, one another example, of why you must opt out of the corporate media cycle. If you swim in the fish bowl you will only follow the other fish.

The Palestinians will push for recognition of statehood at the UN. They face a possible US veto in the Security Council. American politicians bluster about cutting off aid to the Palestinians but lost in the domestic wrangle is a warning from Saudi Arabia that if the US vetoes the Palestinian statehood resolution the Saudi's will end their special relationship with the US.

WASHINGTON -- "The United States must back a Palestinian bid for UN recognition of statehood or risk becoming "toxic" in the Arab world and forcing a split with ally Saudi Arabia, a top Saudi diplomat warned Monday.

If Washington imposes its veto when the Palestinians seek to become the 194th member state of the United Nations then "Saudi Arabia would no longer be able to cooperate with America in the same way it historically has," former Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Turki al-Faisal wrote."

It doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with the policy; this story has been completely ignored by the US mainstream media. Recently the mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, warned that New York could face riots in the streets if something were not done about the employment situation. This was a story with media legs, ABC glossed over it while the Wall Street Journal pooh poohed it. CNN took the story and turned it into a story about partisan politics.

The news is about sensationalism, death and carnage laced with preconceived ideas. Barack Obama proposes his jobs bill, which was filled with perks and play pretties for the Republican side of the aisle, only to meet resistance from his own side. Obama counters that criticism with a new set of proposals to tax the wealthy, but if Obama had been in any way serious he would have proposed these things three years ago. Obama is only stunting for the camera, emoting passionate sounds bites for public consumption.

Strange, isn't it that we have developed more and faster means of communication than at any other time in human history and yet we have less understanding of our nation's problems? Repeatedly we are misdirected and misinformed we are buried with frivolous fluff and meaningless chaff. Pop culture is the ultimate oxymoron, pop music; pop goes the weasel as the American media feeds the populous a steady diet of self serving nondescript junk food. It looks like the news and it sounds like the news but it is no more the news than a Cheeto is cheese.

Pat Boone still insists Barack Obama is a Kenyan born Muslim but what does it matter at this point? Tens of millions of Americans have lost their homes and their jobs and their futures but where are their stories told in the American media?

This is an unmitigated national disaster the likes of which makes Hurricane Katrina look like a thunderstorm and yet this story of national tragedy is ignored. The President ignores it, the Congress ignores it and the media ignore it until the sensational pops up. Then the media will cover the blood and the tears while ignoring the real reason why these things keep happening to our people in this so called free country of ours.

Murder-suicide suspected in brother-sister deaths

AP- "Investigators say a financially troubled Southern California man apparently shot and killed his ill sister and her dog before committing suicide in the Oceanside home they shared.

The names of the 56-year-old man and 52-year-old woman haven't been released because relatives are still being contacted.

The San Diego Union-Tribune says the siblings had financial troubles and sold the home. They were supposed to move out by Tuesday. The woman had a kidney disorder and was on dialysis.

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