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Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement (Part 3)

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jibbguy: What is the current status of the hydroxy project at Panacea-BOCAF?

Ashtweth Palise: I am so glad you asked this question. We have the capacity now to save up to 50% mileage on MOST if not all vehicles. I must stress that currently the hydrogen boost systems need some minor experimentation to reach full potential. In the mean time depending on your engine size and driving habits the mileage gains will be varied. HOWEVER anyone using this are still assured of cutting pollution SIGNIFICANTLY. The answers to pollution lie in both the GEET and hydroxy technology. The open source community have produced a comprehensive course on hydroxy technology design. We are all collaborating to get the best understanding and designs into public knowledge. Currently we have since discovered the best compact, reliable and efficient booster. This is the cylindrical design, popularized by open source engineers Wouter and Praveen. Depending on your driving habits, if you drive under 2 hours you can also use the cheaper Smacks booster. If you can manage the space and construction time you can go for a larger plate cell. All these designs and understanding are included in the panacea university hydroxy document. I would state that the current status of hydroxy technology from the open source engineers is critically needed to counter the criminal fuel prices. Not only have they ensured that a low cost design can be produced, which stops us being at the mercy of greedy retailers, they have also shown why the science is the way it is and what to avoid from others selling inferior designs. This is going to be the short-term answer to the high fuel prices, and all this information is listed on our hydroxy page.

Also the engineers endorsed by the non profit organization have produced the LOWEST cost boosters for sale for those not able to construct them. These engineers are using the funds to do research into 100% hydroxy designs. Something that is not only critically needed by also something the current over priced corporate community are not doing. One of our engineers using a RAVI design, has proven by a gas flow meter test that hydroxy technology can advance far beyond the typical faraday electrolysis. Ravi did get interference. Paul Zigouros produce a 100% hydroxy test engine, this has not surfaced, Bob Boyce has reported that hydroxy technology can advance far beyond the typical faraday electrolysis. We ALL are working currently to perfect Bob's and RAVI's results and keep them in public knowledge. We have created a public watch dog on our engineers, so far our newsletter subscribers are keeping watch on RAVI and the organization; please subscribe to our news letter so we can bring you this technology without interference ( http://www.panacea-bocaf.org/newsletter/newsletter.htm ).

These projects need to be managed efficiently and not on a shoe string budget. If every one contributes a tiny bit in one place we can help humanity repair the current climate and political arena. So far this research has no due faculty study, grants or security to ensure environmental and social reform which should be achieved with the disclosure of these devices. We must stress that the public granting a Center to harbor its security and study will create the critically needed social reform and quell the conditions presently keeping devices of this nature from surfacing.

Lastly let me state that you, Jib, are doing a great job in throwing a tiny ripple on the pond and your articles are very informative and critically needed. I want to end here on some introspection and what could be conceived as a spiritual note. Part of this was inspired by David Sereda. A majority of the population does not meditate for various religious and or social conformances. If one is to do this irregardless of ones religious or social creed, one can "slow" and "quiet" the mind, and as a result one can then feel and focus on every aspect of their life force. Listen carefully, and you will acquire an awareness of every aspect of your body and mind. After practice you will become sentient to what has been called "the cosmic pulse of life". This at first may be perceived as vibrational energy within, this is sacred unto yourself. It is your instinct to survive and protect. It is also as sacred in all living things as much as it is sacred to you. Therefore all are and must be in unity with one another. The Essence of all are as sacred to the essence of one. This must be understood and respected. All are of equal.

One way or another we have all been subjected to harsh conditions in life and daily need to endure subjugation. However if you devote your life to doing tiny bits of good in the world, you will never become a victim.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to speak. I assure you that without compromise the organization will work for the public and our children’s’ future. Be well my friend, and may all your readers be also.

Ashtweth Palise proudly speaking on behalf of the volunteers, trustee's and contributors of Panacea-BOCAF.


jibbguy: Thank you for your great comprehensive answers… And for all the work that you do for the Open Source Energy community! May Panacea get this important funding for the Research Center soon!… This would truly be a world-first as you said… And would be a physical beacon to many researchers, inventors, and engineers of the movement, as well as a symbol of hope for the millions of people all over the planet who are desperately waiting to one day have abundant, cheap, and clean energy.


As we close the third installment of this series, may the reader reflect on the life of Dr. Eugene Mallove and the work he stood for: Bringing sanity to our energy policies… Via the free and open study of important new technologies. This is also what Panacea-BOCAF, Mr. Ashtweth Palise, and the thousands of people all over the world within the Open Source Energy movement are working for. The goals are clear: Cheap, clean, and abundant energy for all. The method is to work via free collaboration and open cooperation without limits, borders, or fears. And the result will be…. A world without poverty, war, hunger, or oppression: Where our children truly will have a better future.

There are many ways to accomplish these wonderful goals. But perhaps none can do so as quickly as the acceptance and widespread implementation of new energy principles and devices that provide free energy for all. If Dr. Mallove’s life , and even his death, have any meaning: It is that his example must be examined, his words must be read and understood, and the work he started must be finished if Mankind is to ever approach its full potential.


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Is a writer and activist in the field of alternative energy. A partial list of his articles can be seen here (or by Searching OpEd News): http://en.wordpress.com/tag/windisch-steve/ He is also the Admin of The Free Energy Facebook Group, all (more...)
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