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Colossal lies paralyse the mind

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Jim McCluskey
Message Jim McCluskey

Colossal Lies Paralyse the Mind


If a lie is sufficiently vast it freezes our ability to think. How can they say this? Am I going mad? Do I not understand anything? Why is there not massive protest?


There are around 2000 nuclear weapons (shared by US and Russia) held on hair-trigger alert, ready to be launched in minutes by accident, misjudgement or lunatic malevolence.

This is not Russian Roulette. Here there are bullets in all the chambers of the revolver the nuclear weapons states are holding to the head of humanity. And we have no control over the finger on the trigger.

This is the posture of a species of sentient beings which has lost the will to live. This is the stance of a species on the verge of mass suicide - self induced extinction.


This posture of incipient suicide is defended by the perpetrators with the plea "It is maintained to keep us safe'. It is impossible to imagine a more colossal lie. This lie is so vast and omnipresent that we cannot get far enough away from it to see it for what it is.

What could possibly keep us less safe than creating and priming the means of Armageddon and delegating the button-pressing omnicidal act to whoever happens to have temporarily clawed to the top of the power-elite pack at any particular time.

So we have an immanent threat of extinction in operation every minute of every day.


It is the monstrous and blatant in-your-face nature and scale of the lie which makes focusing on it ant relating to it so difficult. This lie is like a vast amorphous Teflon-shielded thing with neither orifice or extrusion -- no way in and no way to get a grip on it.

Who do you approach about such a lie? Surely it is too big for one person. So where do you start? If not with one person then where?

In any case, if this monstrous lie really exists why are there not major articles about it in the media.? Where are the outraged talking heads on television? Where are the thunderous denunciations from the Think Tanks or from the "quality press'? It must be me. What am I missing?


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I had a consultancy practice in Landscape Architecture from which I have now retired. I am also a writer and painter. I have become increasingly concerned at governments'continuing, and counterproductive, use of violence to solve conflicts. With (more...)
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