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Life Arts    H3'ed 3/12/13

Christianity, the Femininity of God and the Way Towards Unity

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Burl Hall
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(Article changed on March 13, 2013 at 03:30)

Someone tagged a comment I made on another article and thought it would make for an article. So, I decided to write this. I'm in a reflective mood, thus I'm trying to reach deep into my Soul. Some of this reflection may come out in this writing.

My chosen name for God is Sophia. The name is Greek and literally means Wisdom. I chose the name because as a young child I had visions of a Woman / Goddess whom I adored. I was 5 years old at the time. She used to appear to me sitting on top of my pet parakeet's cage.

Today I still seek my freedom.

Through my adult eyes, I see the cage as a metaphor for my life in Western civilization. This is how I have felt most of my life. Like I'm in a cage. Perhaps Sophia is the metaphor that sits on top of the cage, the prison of the Spirit, and is That which frees the Spirit from his entrapment?

This Goddess appeared to me as an adult through dreams. Due to these dreams, I researched Goddesses and chose the name Sophia because I wanted to make peace with Christianity, a religion I continue to be extremely angry with. I till want, to make peace with the religion. Sophia blessed me in this only to some degree, for I continue to have issues with the arrogant self-righteous haters of life and anything different from themselves.

I also now realize that freedom is inherent in our letting go to the Way, to Sophia. Our prison is in our surrender to the external authority, to the Man.

I now see Christianity as part of a holographic pattern, both in the wisdom of its mysticism and in its arrogance of self-righteousness and downright hatred of those different from itself. Ultimately, our religions of today oftentimes mirror the dominant theme of the larger culture. As I write this, I hear the lines of the song "Angel," written by Sarah McLaughlin:

"So tired of the straight line,

And everywhere you turn,
There's vultures and thieves at your back."

For me these lines apply to politics, religion, education, and, in general, all of Western Civilization. Sophia has shown me the patterns behind the madness. She has also whispered ways of relating on this Earth that can bring peace and understanding. Scientifically, I call that way Holographic. Holographic simply means the part mirrors the whole. Thus the arrogance of a self-righteous scientist regarding his theoretical position is a mirror to the self-righteous arrogance of a Christian dogmatist. Or as Christ said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." This is the essence of holographic perception. What is external is a mirror to what is internal.

Even as a kid it is interesting that I had a real attraction to the infamous Tao Te Ching. I have now come to the conclusion that Sophia is the Way, i.e., the Process of Tao. Or, more appropriately, Sophia is Tao. One of the problems of Western Civilization is that it sees life as a noun, a thing. I don't. Nor does Lao Tzu. Life is a Verb. Sophia is a Verb. The intercourse of yin and yang is cosmic process and it too is a verb. As Lao Tzu says, "Heaven and Earth make love." Making love is the Way.

Can you hear the conceived baby cry "let there be light" as he emerges from his mother's womb? The dance is everywhere when you open your eyes. Indeed, think about this when you emerge from the dark depths of sleep and open your eyes to the new day.

As the entry of sperm into egg initiates division of the egg into multiplicity, the Word in Genesis does the same with Tehom (or Marie since the name means Ocean...the Virgin Birth in this sense is a repeat of Genesis). Intercourse is the Way. We are making love right now. You are conceiving these words inside you....this is why words are seminal while our ideas are concepts and the process of their birth as a conception. As above, so below. As the Tao Te Ching says, "The entire universe makes love." Can you conceive that?

Can you conceive living in a universe which you know to be a mirror of yourself? Whether you are man or woman, you can conceive yourself in the process and relations of sun to earth (and to the rest of the universe), and the moon's phases to menstrual cycles. Thus is the vision of Meister Eckhart who joyfully gleamed, "All creatures shout God!"

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Burl Hall is a retired counselor who is living in a Senior Citizen Housing apartment. Burl has one book to his credit, titled "Sophia's Web: A Passionate Call to Heal our Wounded Nature." For more information, search the book on Amazon. (more...)
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