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R-CALF USA: Former Gipsa Chief Dudley Butler To Address Independent Cattle Producers In Dakotas Hosted by the Independent Beef Association of North Dakota (IBAND), the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association (SDSGA), and R-CALF USA, Butler will first speak to area cattle producers at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 16 at the Kist Livestock Auction in Mandan, North Dakota. The public is cordially invited to attend.
R-CALF USA: * * MEDIA ADVISORY * * News Conference The news conference will highlight ongoing efforts by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to not only ignore the unique needs and interests of small- to mid-sized cattle feedlots and other cattle operation; but worse, to exact intense, unreasonable and unwarranted regulatory enforcement actions against those smaller operations to facilitate big agribusinesses' desire to rapidly concentrate and consolidate the entire U.S. live cattle industry.
R-CALF USA: R-CALF USA's Annual Convention Come join us for a great time of discussions, fun and learning!
R-CALF USA: August 27, 2010, will be the most important day in the history of our U.S. cattle industry This upcoming opportunity is not just big, it is HUGE! And, it is HISTORICAL! Your attendance at the August 27 Fort Collins, Colorado, hearing will have an impact far beyond what you could achieve if you were to expend the financial resources to participate in a dozen fly-ins to Washington, D.C. THIS IS OUR SINGLE OPPORTUNITY TO JUMPSTART GENUINE IMPROVEMENTS FOR OUR CATTLE INDUSTRY AND WE MUST RISE TO THIS OCCASION.
Mickey Z.: Speciesism, the Forgotten Oppression: Why Should the Left Care? A panel calling out the Left for ignoring issues of animal rights and veganism.
R-CALF USA: R-CALF USA 2010 Convention R-CALF USA Conventions are working sessions for members and non-members alike. They provide the opportunity to connect with others who care about the U.S. Cattle Industry.
R-CALF USA: News Conference to address seizure of Herman Schumacher's home by Tyson Fresh Meats. Pursuant to a legal action by Tyson, the U.S. Marshal posted a "No Trespassing" and "Warning" sign on the front door of the home of South Dakota rancher and cattle feeder Herman Schumacher. Schumacher did not violate any law. Instead, Tyson is retaliating against Schumacher because Schumacher tried to protect his fellow cattle producers by stopping Tyson from violating the Packers and Stockyards Act.
Judith McGeary: Farm & Food Leadership Conference Be part of an exciting gathering of non-profit leaders, farmers and ranchers, farmers market organizers, local foods activists, and more! The first day will feature top speakers on issues such as water rights and management, the National Animal ID System, genetically modified foods, and local food systems. The second day will include workshops to help give each person the tools to effectively take action on these issues!
Leslie Reed: Venice Eco Fest...Saturday, June 28th On Saturday, June 28th Venice opens her arms, with the help of Earth Day LA and the Venice Chamber of Commerce, to bring a new annual ecologically themed free festival. On Saturday, June 28th, at Windward Ave & Ocean Front Walk, Venice Eco-fest is scheduled to make a fabulous entrance into one of the most creatively diverse and beautiful locations in all of California...Venice Beach.

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