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George Eliason

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, OpedNews, the Saker, RT, Global Research, and RINF, and the Greanville Post along with many other publications. He has been cited and republished by various academic blogs including Defending History, Michael Hudson, SWEDHR, Counterpunch, the Justice Integrity Project, along with many others.

OpEd News Member for 716 week(s) and 6 day(s)

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Bar celebrating Nazism next to Oldest Synagogue in Lviv, From ImagesAttr
(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Ukraine-The US Vote at the UN is Holocaust Denial- Here's Why The "NO" vote by the US, Canada, and Ukraine that is against condemning the glorification of Nazism and Nazi heroes will change how entire countries histories are written. How is this Holocaust Denial!
New Generation Ukrainian Political Ad, From ImagesAttr
(101 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Ukraine Punisher Commanders in DC Now to Ask Warren and McCain for More Guns The ultra nationalist Ukrainian government is lobbying the US government through the nationalist UCCA for weapons, money, and to start asking for troops. This article shows why your Senator may not be electable if they go along with this.
The Bearded Russian you were looking for. Kuban Cossak Babay, From ImagesAttr
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, November 15, 2014
Russia Invades Ukraine Again and Again- Just Facts not the Fiction Why did Russia attack Ukraine? Did Russia attack Ukraine? Will Russia attack Ukraine?
He was a child. He belongs to all of us, From ImagesAttr
(20 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 7, 2014
Ukraine 2nd Day of Heavy Fighting | Kiev Shells Sports Facility Killing Children and ADMITS NO RUSSIAN TROOPS PRESENT I There are no Russian soldiers. There was no Russian BUK missile. There is only Ukrainian nationalists bent on setting the civilized world on fire. Here is a child. Someones child. If you don't pay attention it may soon be yours.
Polling station Alchevsk, From ImagesAttr
(22 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 2, 2014
Nov 2 Elections in Donetsk and Lugansk- The Game Changer in Donbass Why the world should applaud this act of democracy and courage against Ukrainian nationalism and chauvinism and take western democracies to task for supporting nationalists in the first place.
At Checkpoint checking identification, From ImagesAttr
(31 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 31, 2014
Embedded Oct 21-23|Ukraine War| The Front Report Donetsk and Lugansk which prove there is no Russian military intervention. There is no Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian weapons are not being supplied.
Ukraine's Destruction in Donbass, From ImagesAttr
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Embedded Oct. 21-23 | Ukraine's Nationalist War Re-Igniting |Part I of II As Ukraine gears up for attack I spent three days with the defense forces asking questions that should have been answered already in Donbass- The media won't ask them because the answers destroy the propaganda leveled at the region.
Democracy in a box- The color revolutions, From ImagesAttr
(62 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 5, 2014
The Inhuman Ukraine Nazis- A More Vile SS When the evidence of mass murder overwhelms you it's time to put the BS aside. Novo Russia isn't committing mass murder. The only parties making that accusation are the perpetrators of the real crime. The old argument that "she asked for it" or allowing such an argument to be made is the glorification of crime.
How Kiev sees Donbas People, From ImagesAttr
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 3, 2014
Poroshenko Atrocity Documentary Documentary video of Kievs atrocities on civilians up to September.
Remains of woman and young son shot by Kiev as separatists and left for dogs, From ImagesAttr
(208 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 2, 2014
Ukraine: The Unspeakable Horror of Poroshenko's Peace Under Poroshenko's peace - people are going missing and tortured mutilated bodies are being retrieved. This isn't war its atrocity. This is the democracy Ukrainian Nationalists sold to the world for the last 9 months.
Fascism's Gift to America, From ImagesAttr
(19 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Why The US Endgame for Russia Means the Death of American Democracy Imported Poison- How (former WW2 nazi) cold war anti communists changed American democracy to nationalism.
(28 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 2, 2014
My Encounter with Ukrainian-American Nazi Mark Paslawsky: What He Died For Crucial information on Ukrainian Neo-Nazi hisgory in the U.S., by George Eliason, writing from Lugansk.
United without Hitler, From ImagesAttr
(35 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, August 1, 2014
Ukraine | Why Bandera Have the Largest Geo-Political Voice in EU Europe's 100 year experiment with Nazi thought has finally born fruit in Ukraine- providing the background to understand why European leaders watch delighted and horrified at the fruit of their labors.
Novo Russia the Russian Spirit of the Russian World, From ImagesAttr
(33 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Ukraine -- Kievs War | The Heroes of Novo Russia In life and history- even in horror rise very distinct examples every person and people hope they could be like. We all hope to have the courage to be the hero- to love humanity enough to defend the best reasons people have a right to live. We also ignore the best examples of these qualities as their lives play out in our world today.
Grad (Hail) multiple rocket launcher Ukraine army, From ImagesAttr
(40 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 12, 2014
Ukraine- Kiev's Genocide: What's Happening in Slovyansk Genocide in Slovyansk. How to help the people in Donbass directly.
Putin did it!, From ImagesAttr
(45 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Ukraine's Bandera Propaganda: It's All Putin's Fault Propaganda kills. Finding the sources of the propaganda in Ukraine is as bizarre as the propaganda itself. Would you trust an underage kid with with it? Ask Jen Psaki.
And the winner is?, From ImagesAttr
(350 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, June 23, 2014
Ukraine: Notes from the Southeast What is happening in Ukraine right now and where it is going. A glimpse into the situation locally and what it could mean for you in America. The Kiev government is considering establishing a 10 kilometer wide buffer zone with a closed border. A quick look at any map will show that means relocating 5 million people and closing every regional capital in the Southeast.
Mariupol- 4 hour wait to vote, From ImagesAttr
(19 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Ukraine What the Referendum Means in South-east Over 3 Million people voted in the Donetsk and Luhansk referendum. Where mercenaries and military were firing on them record numbers (over 3 million people) came out and said no more! That is what the referendum actually means.
Odessa a Betrayal, From ImagesAttr
(239 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Odessa-- the First Pogrom-- The Obama Genocide Mr. Obama was right. He is good at killing people- mostly women and children. In Ukraine the first fruits of openly state sponsored genocide is unfolding in front of your eyes. The governments of the free world have ignited a holocaust. How else can this be described? What happened in Odessa is what even Hitler was afraid to do. Real people are dying and only real people can save them.
pravy sektor beating victims jumping from windows, From ImagesAttr
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Videos of Odessa Massacre and Petition a collection of videos showing what's happening

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