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Joseph Green

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Joseph E. Green is currently a story and research consultant to an upcoming film Dallas in Wonderland. He has been a private investigator, an independent researcher, a writer, an editor, and a film critic.

He is the author of the books Dissenting Views, A Slew of Unfortunates, Clowntime is Over, and The Very Wrath of Love. He is a member of the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA). He also sings in the electropop band Fanfic.


OpEd News Member for 783 week(s) and 1 day(s)

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The Hoover Bush memo, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 16, 2013
A Personal Journey into the JFK Murder: Joseph McBride's Into The Nightmare A comprehensive review of journalist Joseph McBride's Kennedy assassination book Into My Nightmare.
Dealey Plaza View from Behind Grassy Knoll Picket Fence, From ImagesAttr
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 29, 2013
JFK: Controlling the Message Both the city of Dallas and some in the research community wish to control the message of JFK's murder.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 13, 2012
Eight Days to the End of the World A little discussion of being an 'ex-suicide,' the greatness of Walker Percy, and taking the end of the world seriously.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, February 8, 2010
Critique of an apologia for Santa Claus An Obama administrator (Cass Sunstein) and a Harvard law professor (Adrian Vermeule) want to actively propagandize the people and interfere with research organizations. Is their reasoning coherent?

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