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Tom Engelhardt

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Tom Engelhardt, who runs the Nation Institute's Tomdispatch.com ("a regular antidote to the mainstream media"), is the co-founder of the American Empire Project and, most recently, the author of Mission Unaccomplished: Tomdispatch Interviews with American Iconoclasts and Dissenters (Nation Books), the first collection of Tomdispatch interviews.

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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 25, 2024
Tomgram: Nick Turse, Osama Bin Laden's Enduring Triumph At the end of the last century, hoping to drive the United States from Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam's holiest sites, al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden sought to draw in the American military. He reportedly wanted to "bring the Americans into a fight on Muslim soil," provoking savage asymmetric conflicts that would send home a stream of "wooden boxes and coffins" and weaken American resolve[...]
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Tomgram: Norman Solomon, Putting the Biden Crisis in Perspective The Biden campaign drove the Democratic Party into a ditch and speculation is rampant about grim prospects for the election. But little scrutiny has gone into examining how such a dire situation developed in the first place[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 18, 2024
Tomgram: Engelhardt, Where Did the American Century Go? It's not a happenstance or some sad mistake that, barring a surprise, Americans will go to the polls in November to vote for one of two distinctly ancient men, now 77 and 81, both of whom have clearly exhibited language and thought problems for a significant period of time[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Tomgram: Nan Levinson, Assessing the Flames of Protest It began with Aaron Bushnell and a visceral response of mine: Why would anyone do such a thing? Bushnell was the 25-year-old active-duty airman who set himself ablaze on February 25th in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C., to protest that country's brutal war in Gaza[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, July 15, 2024
Tomgram: Ellen Cantarow, A Cancer on the West Bank In 1979, I made the first of what would turn out to be decades of periodic visits to Israel and the West Bank. I traveled there for the New York alternative publication The Village Voice to investigate Israel's growing settler movement, Gush Emunim (or the Bloc of the Faithful)[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 11, 2024
Tomgram: Clarence Lusane, A Trumpian World of Them Former president Donald Trump often finds himself on the defensive against accusations of racism. He regularly denies the charges, distorting his record and resorting to his "Black friends" defense, while attempting to throw the allegations back at liberals. However, he never explains why he is the favorite son of the one group in society about whose racial bigotry there can be no debate: avowed racists[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Tomgram: Ariel Dorfman, Clarence and Ginni Thomas Finally Get Their Due At least I had the courage to do the deed myself. That counts for something here on the other side of death, where I wait for you, Clarence Thomas, and your sharp-toothed wife Ginni, and someday the others whose decrees and rulings from afar have aided and abetted the mayhem and the massacres. Cowards all of you, and boring and petty to boot, at such a safe distance from the volleys, the salvos, the gunfire[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, July 8, 2024
Tomgram: Andrea Mazzarino, The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse? Many war stories end with hunger wreaking havoc on significant portions of a population. In Christian theology, the Biblical "four horses of the apocalypse," believed by many in early modern Europe to presage the end of the world, symbolized invasion, armed conflict, and famine followed by death. They suggest the degree to which people have long recognized how violence causes starvation[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 4, 2024
Tomgram: Michael Klare, Early Signs of the Failure of American Global Power? Wherever he travels globally, President Biden has sought to project the United States as the rejuvenated leader of a broad coalition of democratic nations seeking to defend the "rules-based international order" against encroachments by hostile autocratic powers, especially China, Russia, and North Korea. "We established NATO, the greatest military alliance in the history of the world,"[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Tomgram: Juan Cole, Another American War in the Middle East? n mid-June, the Associated Press announced that the U.S. Navy had been engaged in the most intense naval combat since the end of World War II, which surely would come as a surprise to most Americans. This time, the fighting isn't taking place in the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans but in the Red Sea[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, July 1, 2024
Tomgram: Engelhardt, Welcome to Heat-Dome America I've been writing about climate change for so many years now but, in truth, it was always something I read about and took in globally. It was happening out there, often in horrific ways, but not what I felt I was living through myself[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 27, 2024
Tomgram: Karen Greenberg and Julian Zelizer, The Threats to Election 2024 Officials and election experts are now struggling in a big-time way. How, they wonder, can they effectively address mounting threats -- of violence, election denialism, foreign influence, and voter discrimination? Do they run the risk of alarming the public to the point of reducing voter turnout?[...]
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Tomgram: William Hartung, An AI Hell on Earth? Venture capital and military startup firms in Silicon Valley have begun aggressively selling a version of automated warfare that will deeply incorporate artificial intelligence (AI). Those companies and their CEOs are now pressing full speed ahead with that emerging technology, largely dismissing the risk of malfunctions that could lead to the future slaughter of civilians[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 20, 2024
Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, How Vulnerable Are We? Walk through any art museum and you're likely to see a mix of the classical and contemporary, impressionist and surrealist, refined and raw, beautiful, eerie, and provocative. Looking at art allows me at least a few moments of relief from the "that's just the way it is" attitude of our hyper-consumerist, hyper-militarized, hyper-nihilist nation[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Tomgram: John J. Berger, It's Bloody Hot! While April and May are usually the hottest months in many countries in Southeast Asia, hundreds of millions of people are now suffering in South Asia from an exceptionally intense heat wave that has killed hundreds. One expert has already called it the most extreme heat event in history. Record-breaking temperatures above 122 F were reported in the Indian capital of New Delhi[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 16, 2024
Tomgram: Bob Dreyfuss, The Middle East and Election 2024 Recently, I attended a demonstration called by groups opposing the carnage in Gaza, where eight months of air, ground, and sea attacks by the Israeli Defense Forces have leveled entire quadrants of cities and killed more than 36,000 Palestinians[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 13, 2024
Tomgram: Stan Cox, Losing Our Cool in the Twenty-First Century The odds are that the entire continental United States will swelter through a hotter-than-normal summer this year. And no surprise there. It seems as if that's been the forecast every spring for years now. But this summer promises to eclipse even the summer of 2023, which, in the Northern Hemisphere, was the hottest since at least the year 1 AD, according to tree-ring analysis[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Cassandra Redux A few days ago, my partner and I went in search of packing tape. Our sojourn on an idyllic (if tick-infested) Cape Cod island was ending and it was time to ship some stuff home. We stopped at a little odds-and-ends shop and found ourselves in conversation with the woman behind the counter[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, June 10, 2024
Tomgram: Norman Solomon, How Daniel Ellsberg's Moral Power Remains Alive On a warm evening almost a decade ago, I sat under the stars with Daniel Ellsberg while he talked about nuclear war with alarming intensity. He was most of the way through writing his last and most important book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. Somehow, he had set aside the denial so many people rely on to cope with a world that could suddenly end in unimaginable horror[...]
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 6, 2024
Tomgram: William Astore, Nuclear Armageddon Is Us As a late-stage baby boomer, a child of the 1960s, I grew up dreaming about America's nuclear triad. You may remember that it consisted of strategic bombers like the B-52 Stratofortress, land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) like the Minuteman, and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) like the Poseidon, all delivery systems for what we then called "the Bomb[...]"

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