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Lydia Howell is a Minneapolis journalist, poet, activist and producer/host of "Catalyst:politics & culture" on KFAI Radio, all shows archived for 2 weeks after braodcast at www.kfai.org
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 2, 2008 The Debate That Wasn't
When Obama and Clinton faced off it was more like seeing two collaborators than competitors. While the public was invited by Politico and CNN to submit questions--most of them weren't even asked. Which "token" (race or gender) seems the only "choice" being offered by Obama and Clinton.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 30, 2008 Voting&Vision:Ballots To Build Progressive Movements
Struggling over who to support on Feb.5th Super Tuesday? Thinking about the state of progressive movements (and the best context for moving them forward) shouold be part of the equation. We know what we're AGAINST:but, the "vision thing" may be what our movements most need.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, January 18, 2008 Election 2008:Pt. 2:Style v.Substance
Looking behind the symbols of race, gender and class, what are the actual positions and records of Obama, Clinton and Edwards? What SPECIFIC"change" is Obama calling for? With Hillary Clinton touting her 8 years as First Lady as "experience", can we (finally) assess Bill Clinton's POLICIES without illusions? Does Edwards' tough talk about Corporate power mean he'll dump "free trade" agreements and rein in Corporate dominance?
SHARE Wednesday, January 16, 2008 Election 2008:Symbols vs. Style Part 1
Race, gender, class are a part of the 2008 campaiogn for president in a way that never have been before. But, are we getting real substance--or jsut the latest style of marketing candidates?
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 2, 2007 Northwest Airlines;Big Business as usual
Northwest airlines emrges from bankruptcy with executive bonues of $400M while workers take 505 pay cuts. delcaring bankruptcy is the latest corporate"reverse Robin Hood' tactic.
SHARE Thursday, April 26, 2007 Supreme Court Judges play doctor
the supreme Court is practicing medicine without a license...and endangering not only women's reproductive rights but, their health.
(5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Don Imus: What We Say, Who We Are
What Don Imus did isn't unusual... My first reaction is always to wonder why guys like Imus (on and off the air) are so oblivious to the most minimal sense of courtesy and basic respect for others? Or, it is it that aming degrading comments about people of color and women is their attempt to "put those people BACK in their place"?
SHARE Thursday, January 25, 2007 State of the Union:Condition Critical
Here's what G.W. Bush ddid not say about the state of our Union...it's overdue for a pro-democracy movment in the United States. Haven't Americans had enough yet?
SHARE Tuesday, January 9, 2007 True Stories Triumph on Screen: 'Freedom Writers' and 'Pursuit of Happyness'
Two new movies based on true stories--'Freedom Writers' and 'The Pursuit of Happyness'-- are flawed, but well worth seeing. They deal with two crucial issues: how inner city schools fail poor, primarily students of color, and homelessness.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 4, 2007 Electoral Milestones: One Real. One Fake?
The new Congressman from Minnesota is the real thing, but, I fear our first female Speaker might be one more fake.
SHARE Thursday, December 21, 2006 Abu Ghraib at Home: Human Rights Day 2006
ALL human beings--whether soldiers, civillians or those accused of terrorism--are protected under international treaties from torture.
SHARE Thursday, December 7, 2006 'Bobby': Flawed Inspiration, a Feel-Good Movie for Progressives
In 'Bobby', RFK, to a large degree, becomes metaphor for the kind of political idealism that's now sneered at, made fun of on the Daily Show and dismissed by pundits as ' unrealistic', 'socialist' or outright treason.
SHARE Tuesday, November 28, 2006 Why I Didn't Shop After Thanksgiving
An Alcoholics Anonymous slogan: Keep an attitude of gratitude. The necessity of such watchwords appliwa to more than alcoholics or drug addicts. Frankly, far more Americans need to adopt such an outlook to grapple with the massive materialism addiction that's relentlessly fostered in the U.S.
Has any culture on Earth devoted more creativity to selling products than the
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, November 6, 2006 Instant Runoff Voting: More Democracy inAmerican Elections
If casting our votes is suppoed to be the ultimate 'will of the people' that determines change, being forced to choose between "the lesser of
two evils" looks like not only a false choice, but, a dead end...Instant Runoff Voting is a democracy injection that changes that.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 8, 2006 "Protection" as Hype: Non-Sex Scandal Trumps Presidential Powergrab
It could just be coincidence that the latest 'sex scandal'--that of Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fl)--hit the news the day after Congress passed the Military Commissions Act (MCA). It's certainly not at all unusual that the corporate-media is giving Foley, detailed, wall-to-wall coverage, while barely mentioning the MCA and not explaining what the bill means. Illusions of "protection" in a society repressed by fear.