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(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 4, 2010 CIA and the Culture of Corruption
Last month, the CIA released a blistering report that documented a secret drug interdiction program in Peru that was responsible for the death of an American missionary and her infant daughter in 2001. The detailed report on Peru documents a culture of corruption and deceit at the highest levels of the CIA as well as the interventions of CIA lawyers to stop the DOJ from pursuing prosecutions in the case.
SHARE Thursday, September 2, 2010 The Pentagon's Double Envelopment of President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama finds himself the victim of a political double envelopment in which the Pentagon, having ostensibly agreed to a strategy calling for discussion of withdrawal from Afghanistan, is already campaigning and planning for an extended stay.
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 30, 2010 The Pentagon's Threat to the Republic
There is no more important task in political governance than making sure that civilian control of the military is not compromised and that the military remains subordinate to political authority.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 10, 2010 Pentagon Tightens Grip on the Obama Administration and the Intelligence Community
President Barack Obama's appointment of retired Gen. James Clapper as the director of national intelligence (DNI) demonstrates the Pentagon's enormous influence over the president and indicates that there is little likelihood of genuine reform of the hidebound intelligence community.
SHARE Wednesday, April 21, 2010 President Obama's Nuclear Policy: No Sign of Audacity; Some Sign of Hope
The good news is that President Barack Obama has ended the Bush administration's campaign against disarmament and has returned to traditional approaches toward arms control. The bad news is that the president's modest steps do not match his rhetorical high ground on nuclear disarmament and that he remains unwilling to take unilateral steps that would advance his strategic vision.
SHARE Tuesday, March 30, 2010 Benjamin Netanyahu the Intransigent
Former Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban once said that the Palestinians "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." Well, the same can be said for the Israelis and particularly their prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. For the first time, the Israelis are confronting a Palestinian leadership on the West Bank that genuinely wants to pursue a political settlement and a two-state solution.
SHARE Sunday, March 7, 2010 Too Much Bang, Bang: The Need to Demilitarize US National Security

The US should be reducing its own global military presence, including its commitment to NATO. For the past several years, under both the Bush and Obama administrations, Gates has been making the case for turning NATO into an instrument for the projection of power abroad, using Afghanistan as an example of an expanded global role. The international coalition did not work well in Iraq; it is not working well in Afghanistan.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Netanyahu Throws Down the Gauntlet
Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East and a country more understandably ruled by fear than ours voted its way towards a potential crash course with the US, that is if President Obama has the will to stand up to AIPAC and its minions.With the window for a two-state solution rapidly closing, newly elected hawk Binyamin Netanyahu has drawn his strongest line in the sand yet in denying a stop to settlement building.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 21, 2009 Long Before Rummy's Bible Thumping, We Knew . .
As mainstream media reels from the inclusion of biblical scripture on the cover pages of Rumsfeld's Intel Updates, the world far beyond our borders thinks 'Crusade" or 'Clash of Civilizations.' We would be wise to support the work of The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRRF), an organization in its fourth year of battling the creep of religious fundamentalism within all branches of our military.
SHARE Wednesday, May 13, 2009 The Circular Dangers of John Hagee, AIPAC and Netanyahu
In his May 4 Christians United for Israel newsletter,John Hagee continues to invoke his brand of Christian foreign policy:
What he says should no longer matter but sadly, that is not the case. Residing at the very core of the intractability in the Israel/Palestine crisis are the circular relationships that exist between Hagee, CUFI, the Netanyahu administration and AIPAC.
(16 comments) SHARE Friday, February 20, 2009 This Time, Abe Foxman's Really Gone Over the Cliff
If perception is nine-tenths of reality, Abe Foxman and organizations like his have become increasingly responsible for painting a monolithic and unfair picture of the Jewish people. A recent survey on anti-Semitism in Europe ought to have awakened Mr. Foxman to the real reasons behind the growing negativity towards Jews. Instead, he has chosen to fan the flames of hatred.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 19, 2009 Abe Foxman Really Goes over the Cliff
If perception is nine-tenths of reality, Abe Foxman and organizations like his have become increasingly responsible for painting a monolithic and unfair picture of the Jewish people, a people to whom the world has long looked to as a source of morality. In openly condoning the racist views of Avigdor Lieberman, Foxman betrays the roots of his organization, The Anti Defamation League's.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 7, 2009 Five 'till Midnight and the Clock Ticks on
With Gaza in rubbles, Barack Obama at the helm, George Mitchell willing to get real,, and Israeli elections looming, it is critical that politics be set aside for the sake of responding to the fierce urgency of the moment.
SHARE Thursday, January 29, 2009 Stick a Shoe In It Mr. Gates
For how long will President Obama allow Robert Gates to undermine progress in the Middle East?
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 6, 2008 Avowed Islamaphobes Seek to Work with Barack Obama
Thirteen of the nation's most powerful leaders of the Christian Right, the same people who have spent the past several decades building an infrastructure intended to ultimately make this a Christian nation, joined together to offer their help on terrorism to President-elect Obama . Quelle hypocrites!
SHARE Tuesday, September 16, 2008 John McCain: He's No Patriot
In an unexpected twist, the Religious Right is already calling in their loan . . . and it is a loan; their support for John McCain's undying loyalty to Christian Nationalism.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 28, 2008 Ken Blackwell Marginalized?
Subtle, stealth danger: Ken Blackwell Named Vice Chairman of RNC Platform Committee
SHARE Saturday, August 16, 2008 "Rove is orchestrating a fix for the 2008 election"
Mainstream media continues to ignore the upcoming risk of electronic vote manipulation even as Karl Rove lurks in its shadow. With no intent of losing this, the big one, this should be the primary issue of the day.