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Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, From ImagesAttr
Attack on Syria (28 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Michael Collins)
For the past two years, the United States, United kingdom, France, Turkey and the oil oligarchies have provided funding, advisers, and weapons to rebels attacking the Syrian government.  That government posed no threat to these nations and had not attacked them. Syria came under attack when its president failed to step down after being told to do so by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other neoconservatives.  The attack on Syria is naked aggression.  
Michelle with grandchild, From ImagesAttr
Author/books (41 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Kirkpatrick Sale, From Images
book jacket, From ImagesAttr
authors (38 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Awakeners (12 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
Once WE are awake, it is our duty to awaken others
Neemkaroli 14., From WikimediaPhotos
Awakening to the Energy We Call God (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Blair Gelbond)
  Awakening to the Energy We Call God  
federal reserve system, From ImagesAttr
Bailing out Banks by TAXING THE PUBLIC (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
Frank Jr. Molley of Honor the Earth at Lunker Federal #2-33-4H, From ImagesAttr
Bakken Oil (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Georgianne Nienaber)
[[frank2]]The blue waters of Lake Sakakawea shimmered like a mirage in the low humidity of the hot summer afternoon and formed the perfect backdrop for a cautionary tale about fracking for crude on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in western North Dakota. It is a story about communication between state and federal agencies and treaty obligations that are sometimes met, and occasionally ignored. In this case, it is not so much about what is happening underground, but what is overlooked on the surface. The story is about development colliding with sacred traditions, the power of greed, and the future of a people.
Voting, From ImagesAttr
Balanced Voting (101 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Paul Cohen)
  Politics in America has always been dominated by two major parties and often several others that are widely understood to not have a chance of taking power.  Is there some way to change this?Articles in this series discuss several other ways we might vote that would encourage there to be a wider range of choices for voters.  The basic notion is that voters should be permitted to vote against any candidate just as they can vote for any candidate.  Several approaches to allowing this are discussed in different articles.  Balanced voting (which is a term that unfortunately has been adopted, mostly in Europe with a completely different meaning) quite directly takes into account opposition to a candidate as well as support. This will often remove the advantage that celebrity candidates have.    
bank fraud (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Kenneth G. Eade)
HSBC_valentinesdemo_DSC_0129, From ImagesAttr
Banking (23 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Scott Baker)
About Banks  
Banking, Public Banking (9 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
Sunrise on a new day in Kansas, From Uploaded
Basic Money Understandings:Introducing the Importance of the Role of the Community of Users (12 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Paul Krumm)
   This will be a series of twelve   articles that will attempt to give a more complete understanding of how our   money works. It has been found that the community of users of a   money system has an important role in money creation and operation.   Acknowledging this role of the user community, we will study how money   currently works, and can otherwise, work, covering bottom up   (mutual) as well as top down (authority based) money   systems.   
Bayou Corne Sinkhole by On Wings of Care, From ImagesAttr
Bayou Corne Sinkhole (32 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
In Spring of 2012, Louisiana's Corne and Grand Bayou residents noticed strange bubbling in the bayou for many weeks, and they reported smelling burnt diesel fuel and sulfur. Suddenly a sinkhole the size of three football fields appeared on Aug. 3, swallowing scores of 100-foot tall cypress trees. The sinkhole resulted from the failure of Texas Brine Company's abandoned underground brine cavern. The Department of Natural Resources issued a Declaration of Emergency on Aug. 6, and 150 families were evacuated. For more maps, diagrams and additional information, please see the other installments in this series.
From ImagesAttr
behavior/psychology (33 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
bernie (18 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
The authentic man in an election cycle where varies and corrupt entities vye to be the president our nation.  
Bernie Sanders (159 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
Bernie Sanders (64 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
From ImagesAttr
Bernie Sanders & 2016 Dem Primary (7 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Jim Kavanagh)
  Analyses of the Sanders campaign and the 2016 Democratic Primary  
Bernie's Donkeys: Rebranding Democrats as Sanders' Party (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Patrick Walker)
In This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein forcefully argues that our nation suffers a cancer of catastrophic bad timing. Namely, when true progressives (climate, peace, civil rights, and economic equality activists) need to be setting policy, our voices are almost totally marginalized in politics and media. By sheer force of obsessing over it, I believe I've found the absolute best solution to this vexing problem: one based on a precise diagnosis and thoroughly rooted in that diagnosis.As my series title indicates, I believe progressives' best path to power lies in rebranding Democrats as Bernie Sanders' party--a rebranding Democrats (for reasons I'll explain) will vigorously resist. So, my comprehensive strategy includes a 'nuclear weapon'--blackmail based on voting Green in general elections--to force Dems, starting with the most progressive, to accept their rebranding as 'Bernie's donkeys.'  
Best Embroidery Digitizing (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Natasha Clarie)
  Uk provides online embroidery digitizing services. Includes samples, pricing, and a quote and order form.Our experienced digitizers provides best quality and fast services.  
From ImagesAttr
Bigotry in America (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by David Kanegis)
Charlottesville, From FlickrPhotos
Bigotry, Racism, Hate, Intolerance (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
Bill Holt's Dreamies® (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by William Holt)
Video art and politics.  
Bioidentical Hormones (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Jeffrey Dach)
From ImagesAttr
Black HIstory Month (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
Photographer, From ImagesAttr
Black Lives Matter (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Eric Z Lucas)
  This series of articles explores the problem of citizenship for Black Americans.  The articles will address the general problem of citizenship and acceptance, the issue of voting rights and the ideal of citizenship.  Hopefully, this presentation will serve to improve the lives of all citizens in America.    
Australian History, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Blackfella: 10 Poems from Down Under (10 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Hawkins)
  This is the folder that will hold my 10 poems on observed (from my mighty whitey POV) the Black experience Down Under (i.e., Australia).  
BLM Protests - Shamar Betts Case (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Janice Jayes)
  In May 2020, Shamar Betts published an angry FB post reacting to the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. His act intersected with the Trump administration's decision to characterize the BLM protests as a national security threat and use the full weight of the Federal Courts to discredit and disrupt protests and send a chilling message to social movements challenging police violence. Shamar Betts was caught in the middle of that crackdown. Arrested by Federal agents, treated as a terrorist, imprisoned for over a year before being sentences, and finally charged with the full cost ($2 million) of property damage sustained during in his hometown of Champaign-Urbana, IL...Betts was persecuted as a symbol of the anger that swept the US in an attempt to distract attention from the problem of racial violence that led to that murder.  

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