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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 8/18/14

Discerning Our Reality

By       (Page 2 of 4 pages) Become a premium member to see this article and all articles as one long page.   4 comments, In Series: The Madness of Selfishness
Message Richard Girard
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"What if they are gay, or worship other gods?"

"Or don't worship any god?"

Jesus replies (in large bold letters at the bottom of the poster):

"Did I stutter?"


There are certain things that, in their understated simplicity, speak volumes on humanity, while discerning our own limitations and prejudices. In a Yeshua ben Miriam presented in that poster, who would speak like that to his disciples, his closest friends who--I assume--loved him best, because they could not get past their own little prejudices, I discern ia man one who is worthy of not only my love and respect, but of my fullest attention, begotten Son of God or not. And if this is not an exact quote of Jesus of Nazareth, it is for me the very essence of the Son of Man, and what he stood for before Paul of Tarsus and Constantine the Great limited his vision to their own.

With regard to my fellow human beings, one of our greatest failings as a species is the inability to imagine a Deity who is greater than ourselves. Theist, deist, polytheist, pantheist, agnostic, or atheist; all of us a imagine a Deity who in one way or another is like ourselves, and expect this Deity to hold the same opinions and prejudices that we do. This perception of Deity effects whether we believe in a Deity,

When I re-posted (shared) the poster on Facebook, someone commented, "I'm not a Christian, I don't have to love anyone."

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Richard Girard is a polymath and autodidact whose greatest desire in life is to be his generations' Thomas Paine. He is an FDR Democrat, which probably puts him with U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders in the current political spectrum. His answer to (more...)

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