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Loosen Your Tie, Tucker Carlson!

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Flustered. Agitated. Confused. Such is the state of Tucker Carlson, an MSNBC pundit who just can’t stomach the fact that so many Americans believe the American government was involved in the 9/11 attacks.

Carlson, in the presence of the Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson conceded that the media he is a part of is indeed part of a cover-up to hide “the fact that hundreds of thousands, many millions apparently, believe this.”

Unable to deal with a previous 2006 poll showing one-third of Americans buy into this idea, he proceeded to state:

"If you're willing to even entertain the notion...I mean think about what that means: You are willing to believe that the president or the Congress or somebody, them, the people in charge, would kill more than 3,000 people who didn't do anything wrong because it helped them pass the Patriot Act or invade Iraq."

Yes, think about what it means. It means that the American people are deeply distrustful and disenchanted with government. And it means that as this increases, the government grows increasingly fearful of rebellion. It grows fearful of the election of leaders (like Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich) who will truly investigate and get to the bottom of government crime and corruption and who will repair America returning it to the state our Founding Fathers envisioned we would always and forever be.

But that’s not what Tucker Carlson thinks. Instead, he is of the simplistic mindset that this belief is so “evil” and asks, “How could you still live in this country if you believe that?"

How could you be a dissenting patriot, Americans? How could you read books and talk to people and come to the conclusions that perhaps our government was involved in attacks on Americans so it could make corporate and political gains?

Tucker Carlson continued, “I don't even want to think it through it any more. This is why we never do this topic on the show. It just upsets me too much. I don't want to know these kind of facts about America.”

I don’t want you to know either because it’s painful (albeit funny) to see you struggle to grasp and understand the meaning behind the fact that so many buy into this belief. Your contorted face is enough to make me feel sorry that you must bear this burden of truth.

I would like to give complex and profound advice but I do not wish for your soul to endure more trouble than it already has endured. Instead, my advice is this:

Loosen your tie. The problem is not that for so many years you wore a bow-tie instead of a neck tie. It is that over the course of your career of punditry your tie has been too tight around your neck thus decreasing blood circulation to your neck, head, and most importantly, your brain. This is why you cannot logically and reasonably work through the fact that Americans believe our government was involved in 9/11.

My fear, however, is that the damage your ties have done to your brain is permanent. You may have to resign and become a recluse on a beach resort where you do not have to deal with harsh realities of America.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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