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I am outraged by Cheney's admission of war crimes and his arrogance that he can get away with it. Lets see if we can't

Message virginius
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My voice alone does not make much difference with our elected representatives, but many of us speaking as one, may cause them to pause. I, like many of you, have thought the admission by Vice-President (would be dictator) Cheney’s admission of “war crimes” not only outrageous but the idea he might actually get away with it, absolutely unacceptable. I have sent email to Senator Richard Shelby, Jeff Sessions, and Representative Jo Bonner, all of Alabama, and the only response I have gotten is an automated one from Bonner. Here is that response: Thank you for your e-mail message.  I appreciate your utilizing this
method of corresponding on matters of importance to you.  Your views will
certainly be helpful to me in the weeks and months ahead.

That is what I call the cockroach letter. For those of you that do not know this story, here it is. In the days of Eastern Airlines, former astronaut Frank Borman was the CEO. A Eastern frequent flier open his snack box on a flight from Washington to Atlanta, only to have a big cockroach jump out. He was livid, screaming at the flight attendants, swearing that he would never fly Eastern again, and was so angered he wrote Eastern a letter stating he flew each week with Eastern but would never set foot on one of their planes as long as he lived. About 2 weeks later, he received a letter from the famous man himself, Frank Borman. Boarman went on the explain that he did not blame the man at all, that it was disgraceful that it had happened and no matter how hard they tried, they did have some problems but he certainly did understand and that he could only apologize and hoped that perhaps in the future, he would trust Eastern once again. The man was very impressed, that none other than Borman himself took the time to write and apologize. He had just about forgiven his old airline when a small slip of paper fell out and on it was---send the SOB the cockroach letter! I have written many letters to elected representatives and the usual response is, “the cockroach letter”. So, here is my invitation. Let us all write Shelby, Sessions, and Bonner and ask if he has answered my question, which was “what is your position on Vice-President Cheney’s statement that he not only knew but approved of torture by the U.S. Government”. I pointed out that it not only violated the Geneva Convention, but the Uniform Code of Military Justice as well. If you want to write your own representatives and they do not respond, then we can inundate their offices as well. Can this make a difference------I don’t know but it sure as hell cannot hurt. As many times as I have been in and out of Indonesia, I have no doubt I am on a watch list and I say bleep ‘em. I think I have tried through the last few months to be the voice of reason, working to get Obama elected, hoping that it would make a difference. My friend Mr. M , as called me naïve, head in the sand, and a few other things and you know what----he may be right. But, I will still hold to hope but that does not mean I won’t try to hold some feet to the fire. If that is not successful, then I will perhaps join Mr. M’s army. J

For those that may not know, the following link gives you all the contact information on all U.S. Congress people.http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/
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Gin Arnold is a 70 year old liberal living in Cotacachi, Ecuador after living in S. Alabama. I have owned several businesses, lived aboard a 32 foot sailing yacht, been a bar tender, boat captain, short order cook, and imported furniture from (more...)
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