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If you didn't like the Covid mRNA vaccines, you're going to hate the ones for cancer and MS Here's a link to a must-read article providing a heads-up about the mRNA and DNA vaccines that are being developed to fight cancer, HIV and other chronic viral infections, and auto-immune disorders such as MS. Like them or not, it looks as though mRNA and DNA treatments are going to be a permanent feature of the medical landscape.  4 4 Comment Count
Guglielmo Tell: From emancipation to criminalisation: Stalinist persecution of homosexuals from 1934 Back in the 50s the homosexuals were accused in the USA of being "communist agents". Well, back in the Soviet Union they were accused of being "imperialist agents". As it turns out, the USSR was the second State in the History of Humanity in de-criminalizing homosexuality in 1922 - the first one was the Revolutionary France of 1789. The article reviews the path back to criminalization and homophobia. 3 3 Comment Count
Aids Charities Manipulation and Exploitation of Gays Charities take massive amounts of money in the name of vague HIV services, and spend almost nothing on the clients. What good are these charities in their present form doing? HIV is now a manageable, treatable disease. This is unlike the early days of the epidemic, where people were dying and going homeless.
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Chik-fil-A's Latest Horror The fast food chain is usurping the message that heretofore was told to us children by the likes of Mr. Greenjeans, Mr. Rodgers and E.B. White. This homophobic, reactionary, suburban parking lot chicken joint knows animal husbandry and marketing and they are pleasantly propagandizing our children. This is another grand example of what we, Americans, are hurtling towards: America, Land of the Free and Home of the Great Disconn... 2 2 Comment Count
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The Gender Divide on Gun Control here again, the sexes diverge. According to an ABC/Washington Post poll released on December 17th, 59% of women but only 47% of men support more gun control. Thus when we read that 54% of all Americans support greater gun control, that majority is actually a significant majority of 59% American women who support it overriding the 50% of American men who oppose it. Let us remember a new massacre of innocents. Let us use it as t...
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5 Absurd Scalia Quotes You Just Won't Believe Justice Antonin Scalia is making headlines around the world for comparing homosexuality to murder and bestiality -- it's reductio ad absurdum, he says. Critics are hitting back that the truly absurd thing about this is Scalia's position on the Supreme Court of the United States. the Supreme Court just agreed to take up two key gay marriage cases. Scalia seems to know how he'll vote on this issue. With this in mind, it will be ... 1 1 Comment Count
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Drag Queens Have Religion Too Letter to Christian Conservativs from Drg Queen Jeza with a shocking message: They don't own God and DRAG QUEENS CAN BE RELIGIOUS TOO!!
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Distributing, then Confiscating Condoms This article provides a public service. It highlights an unconscionable practice by police towards sex workers.

What Is It With North Carolinian Pastors? Pastor Sean Harris of Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville, told his laughing parishioners: Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up. Give him a good punch. Ok? Now we have another Baptist Pastor saying that gays and lesbians should be put in concentration camps and left to die.

Mark Morford: How to have your big gay moment Shall we count Obama's sort of stunning, sort of overdue, sort of obvious, sort of shockingly open-throated support of gay marriage as one of those things? One of those turning points, a truly ballsy, pivotal moment in the culture, in politics, in the way we view ourselves? Is it not something that explodes the way we think and re-orients the nation in the same way his skin color already did, something that, a generation from ...

Joe Conason: The Only True Way To Save Marriage From Obama In this historic moment for human rights, listening to the likes of Ailes (now on his third marriage) and Limbaugh (currently married to wife number four), not to mention Rove (divorced twice), it is impossible to believe that Republicans screaming about the future of wedlock are sincere. Gay rights obviously isn't the cause of marital strife and separation in those places where hostility to same-sex relationships is considere...

Gay Marriage: Why Obama Couldn't Wait Having a President, especially this President, take a strong moral stand in favor of rights for gays will help the country complete its own evolution on the issue and lead to a day where, once again, our understanding of American freedom will have been expanded.
Opinion | Sponsors of Israeli group weren't here for open dialogue | Seattle Times Newspaper The Seattle LGBT Commission was right to cancel the reception for visiting Israeli gay leaders and its decision opens the door for true, inclusive dialogue, writes guest columnist Stefanie Fox.
Actual good Michele Bachmann profile explains how incredibly radical her background is The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza got what appears to be phenomenal access to the Michele Bachmann team and came away with a very good profile that goes beyond "Bachmann says nutty things" to a far more useful explanation of the nutty things Bachmann believes.
Did Bush Leave Us Bankrupt, Corrupt, Ungovernable? When you sell the farm, the farm's gone. Is it already too late for America? I'm starting to think that the anti-tax, anti-government conservative movement that started in the mid-70s, elected Reagan and led to the terrible Bush Presidency may have effectively destroyed the country, leaving it bankrupt, corrupt, ungovernable, ruled by a wealthy elite -- and we're only now just starting to realize it. To cover tax cuts we st... 1 1 Comment Count

Marcus Bachmann Gay: How Rumors Could Affect Michele Bachmann's Campaign As a conservative Christian, the more she and hers are attacked--especially on something she considers a core moral issue--the more she will be convinced that she's doing God's work.

Defunding the Democratic Party Wisconsin, the birthplace of public sector unions, is now ground zero for the Republican jihad to destroy them, with a GOP-sponsored bill to strip Wisconsin's public unions of their collective bargaining rights now seemingly certain to pass.
Whither Uganda? Election 2011 by Ann Garrison On February 6th, the day of my KPFA News report below, the Uganda Monitor reported that US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson, were in Uganda to speak to the three opposition presidential candidates, Kizza Besigye of Inter-Party Cooperation, Olara Otunnu of the Uganda Peoples Congress, and Norbert Mao of the Democratic Party, and that the meeting "form... 2 2 Comment Count
Dark days ahead for accountability, freedom COMMENTARY: The U.S. Supreme Court is deciding whether a venomously anti-gay pastor can be made to pay $5 million for leading a rally denouncing homosexuality outside the funeral of a Marine killed in Iraq. CNN anchor Rick Sanchez is summarily fired after offering some bitter... (Edward Wasserman/The Miami Herald)
Meryl Ann Butler: Target Tries to Buy Election, Artists Respond Theatrically! In an inspiring artistic response, an unexpected musical performance at a Target store in Minnesota showcases the power of the arts after the corporation gave over $150,000 to buy ads supporting a far-right Republican candidate for governor. See more info and get active at MoveOn .
Steven G. Erickson: Gay Tea Partiers Discuss Marriage And Bigotry The title caught my eye for obvious reasons. Words you would not think to see in the same sentence or title, appear here. I enjoyed the video, as I enjoy good healthy debate.
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: Two Weddings, a Divorce and "Glee' Why would America's right-wing radio king hire an openly gay entertainer to star at his wedding? And why would one of the world's foremost AIDS activists sing "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" for a gay-baiting provocateur who has trivialized AIDS and speculated that same-sex marriage could lead people to marry dogs? 1 1 Comment Count
Margaret Bassett: Can a Gay Judge Be Fair to Straight Folks? After recent news stories reporting that Judge Vaughn Walker, the federal judge presiding over the Olson/Boies federal challenge to Prop 8's ban on marriage of same-sex couples, is a gay man, some commentators have started calling for Judge Walker to recuse himself from the case. Whatever Judge Walker's sexual orientation is, it's not a reason to take him off the case.
Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal Falling Victim To Foot-Dragging Neither the Obama White House nor the congressional leadership appears to view allowing gays to serve openly in the armed forces as a political winner, so they're happy to drag their feet. And the Pentagon, despite the public endorsement, has sent the proposal to the Washington equivalent of purgatory: a working group.
Don Smith: The Conservative Case For Gay Marriage - Newsweek.com Wow, a conservative defends gay marriage.
Sheila Samples: Hate Begets Hate Scott Lively, Caleb Lee Brundidge and Don Schmierer gave a series of talks in Uganda last March to thousands of police officers, teachers and politicians in which, according to participants and audio recordings, they claimed that gays and lesbians are a threat to Bible-based family values. 2 2 Comment Count
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: John Aravosis on the hypocrisy of alleged pedophile enablers moralizing on gay marriage From AmericaBlog - not to mention moralizing on abortion!
Peter Dearman: Canadian PM's new speechwriter is a gay rights opponent The new head of Canadian PM Stephen Harper's speech-writing department is a former Calgary Herald columnist notorious for his outspoken opposition to equality. "It's time we reclaimed the word 'discrimination' for polite conversation, and... dump our obsession for equality," he has said in reference to granting gays equal rights.
Sheila Samples: National Security Adviser: Obama won't lift gay ban until Iraq and Afghan wars finished - and even then, if there are mo Apparently President Obama wasn't aware that we were fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan when he promised to lift the gay ban during the campaign in exchange for our votes. So, Jones tells us today, Obama can't get to that particular promise right now because he's busy fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Uh huh.
SM Kovalisnky: Maine Catholic Church vamps up anti-gay marriage platform | NowPublic News Coverage Is it homophobic to oppose Gay Marriage?

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