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"Mirrors of the Mind 7: The Psychotherapist as Artist" opens November 24th

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Message Libby Lancaster

Mirrors of the Mind 7
Mirrors of the Mind 7
(Image by Terry Marks-Tarlow)
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"Mirrors of the Mind 7: The Psychotherapist as Artist" opens on November 24th at Santa Monica Art Studios. The annual juried exhibit features artist psychotherapists and students within the psychotherapy community and is presented by the Community Outreach Committee (COC) of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association (LACPA). It was originally created by Pamela J. McCrory, PhD, and Marks Tarlow, PhD, who continue to produce the event each year.

Pamela Freundl Kirst, PhD, is a Santa Monica based Clinical Psychologist and a Certified Jungian Psychoanalyst. "I indulge myself with my camera"photographing what catches my eye." Pamela photographed the undersides of two fungi, Leucoprinus Birnbaumii and named it "Infinite Folds." These fungi were growing in her potted plants in her office. At first she was frustrated, but then became amazed at how tenacious they were. The image is the final one in a series of photographs called The Fungi Family.

Pamela has participated in previous "Mirrors of the Mind" events. "I was honored to have my work hung among that of creative members of the psychology community. Having my work displayed and seeing the work of others, encouraged me to continue working in this medium." @winstonpfk

Another artist participating in this year's exhibit is Robin Walker, LMFT, who is a Marriage and Family Therapist. He enjoys re-working a painting that he had previously abandoned. "I love taking something in a state of distress and building it in to something beautiful. Is that psychological enough for you?"...laughed the artist. "I love the transformation from so-so to WOW! I let pieces of the original painting come through and inform its new iteration."

Robin went on to say that he allows himself to be guided by principles of composition or color so that he can step out of his own way and fully engage the unconscious. "I have to trust that I'll get to the final image only if I stay genuine and am motivated by the search for something new." After adding unexpected colors, he draws over it with charcoal, then collages in pages from fashion magazines, and then edits. The story will soon appear. "This may sound crazy, but I understand it's just me listening to myself and trying to stay genuine." https://www.robinwalkerstudio.com/

To view the art of these two talented artists, and a variety of others, attend the opening reception of "Mirrors of the Mind 7: The Psychotherapist as Artist" on November 24th, 2018, from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The reception takes place at Santa Monica Art Studios and will also feature live music and poetry. Many artists will be in attendance. Admission to the event is $10.00 per person or $5.00 for students and LACPA members. The exhibition will remain on view from November 21st through December 1st, 2018. There is no admission charge during daily viewing. The gallery will be open from Wednesdays through Saturdays from 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. (except Thanksgiving). Santa Monica Art Studios is located at 3026 Airport Avenue, Santa Monica, 90405. For more info, visit http://www.lapsych.org



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A freelance writer, Libby has been been writing for the past five years. She has been published on Hollywood Today, the Santa Monica Mirror and more.

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