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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 3/17/22

Biden standing on morally questionable high ground

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Message Dave Lefcourt
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Biden calls Putin 'a war criminal' which White House says 'President was speaking from his heart' Joe Biden has denounced Vladimir Putin as a war criminal, delivering his sharpest rebuke yet of the Russian leader just hours ...
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President Joe Biden saying Russian President Vladimir Putin is a war criminal.

Yesterday President Biden when asked by a reporter in the White House whether Russian President Vladimir Putin was a war criminal initially said, "No". When asked by the journalist to clarify the question Biden then said, "Oh I think he is a war criminal".

It always amazes this writer when a US official, now even the president presents himself as "holier than thou" being on moral high ground when in fact it's the US as the world's leader committing more war crimes killing more innocent people-"collateral damage"-than any other regime in the history of the world.

Those inconvenient facts aren't ever presented to the people in the US by "official" Washington or its complicit enabling MSM. No the unofficial organ of the state supports Washington's illegal wars, occupations, coups and assassinations et al, because we're the home of the brave extending from sea to shining sea, the claptrap propaganda we in America have been indoctrinated with since we were so high.

The US breaks international law with impunity because its lackeys in Europe go along with Washington's charade branding Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Bolivia, North Korea as "enemies" of the US.

Any country that challenges the narrative of "official" Washington and the MSM is branded as an enemy.

Of course the US needs "enemies" to justify the bloated defense spending of nearly a $trillion dollars each year dutifully enacted by the Congressional shills, Dems and Repubs alike, sitting deep in the pockets of the defense industry behemoths.

Those citizens in the US who highlight these unflattering facts are demonized as traitors, "bots" to Putin mouthing fake news.

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