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Anti-Chavez Media War Rages

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Stephen Lendman
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Reich abhors truth. It's hard imagining anyone believes him. His record speaks for itself. He heads Otto Reich Associates. It does international consulting. He belongs in prison, not business.

A late December Wall Street Journal propaganda video headlined "Strongman: Hugo Chavez and His Legacy."

It discussed his health, a possible successor, and whether Bolivarian "21st century socialism" can survive without him.

On January 6, the Journal updated a January 4 article headlined "Chavez's Appointed Heir Prepares for Battle." It stressed what it said earlier.

Maduro isn't up to the challenge. He's an unknown. He's regarded more for his loyalty than ideology or skills. His charisma doesn't match Chavez. His ability to enlist support will be tested.

Previous articles explained otherwise. He's very much up to the challenge. His credentials are impeccable. He's committed to Bolivarian progressiveness. 

He's a former labor leader, legislator, National Assembly Speaker and Foreign Minister. He'll rise to the occasion if called on.

On January 7, Investor's Business Daily (IBD) headlined "Hugo Chavez Hit By Cuba's Surgical Strike."

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