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ForclosureGate (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Michael Collins)
Outcome of the scam that stole trillions from tens of millions.  The big banks want everything and they're taking it.  
close-up of capesize coal export ship, From ImagesAttr
Fossil Fuel Fables and Foibles (7 articles.) (# of views) (Created by b. sadie bailey)
The Fossil Fuel and Nuclear Industries will do, and kill, anything for profit. Although seemingly separate, their motives and tactics overlap. They make empty promises of jobs, environmental stewardship, economic boom, and 'mitigation,' while fouling our waters and destroying our boreal forests. They don't restore or even clean up the disasters they create. Non-human life suffers and dies because of greed and corruption.  People are waking up, but time is short. Educating ourselves and others is the beginning. Acting to stop the insidious rape of the planet, produce and use clean energy, conserve our lands and waters, and control population will be paramount if life on earth is to survive.
From ImagesAttr
Framing, Language, Buzzwords (17 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
Capuchin monkeys sharing, From ImagesAttr
FRAUD & Mendacity. (514 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
  Outright FRAUD & lying needs it s own space now that Trump is in town.  
Free Airdrop Alert (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Upcoming Airdrops)
  Free Airdrop TokenFree Airdrop ICOFree Airdrop CoinsFree Airdrop Alert  
Free ICO Listing Website (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Free ICO Listing Website)
  Icogeeker is the Free ICO Listing Site, we are the Best Free ICO listing Provider in the world of crypto.  
Free Market My Ass!, From FlickrPhotos
Free Trade or Fair Trade (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Edward Campbell)
  Discussion of traditional trade activities and policies in distribution of wealth, products and ideas in the United States from Colonization to present.  
Julian Assange, From FlickrPhotos
Freedom of the press (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Scott Baker)
  Freedom of the press  
Kazi Nazrul Islam the Rebel Poet- a Portrait, From InText
Freedom songs vs British Colonialism (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Monish Chatterjee)
  Bengal's authors, poets and itinerant musicians and composers created an impressive body of inspiring 'Freedom Songs' during the first 4 decades of the 20th century as the momentum to oust the British colonial occupiers built momentum.  I will explore some of these songs (by a number of the more leading names) in this series.  
Warning Sign, From ImagesAttr
From ImagesAttr
Clip from RSA Animate - 21st Century Enlightenment, From ImagesAttr
Gaming the System (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Richmond Shreve)
Essays on Civic Responsibility, Global Stewardship, and Enlightened Self-interest.  
Gardening (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Shirley Braverman)
Gender Equality is Essential to our Survival as a Species (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Coombes)
For too long our species has been dominated by male dominated short term thinking. We have now reached a crossroads where if this short term attitude is continued it will take us to our own self-destruction. Gender equality is no longer the political football it has been for centuries but a matter of life and death. It was Albert Einstein who said 'The thinking that created the problem is quite incapable of solving it' and nothing is truer about the challenges we now face in this 21st century  
Capitol Hill Citizen April 2022 Pilot Issue, From Uploaded
General Reviews (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Hawkins)
  where I put reviews  of mags, blogs, etc.  
From ImagesAttr
George W Bush (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Michael Collins)
Henry George, From ImagesAttr
Georgism (50 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Scott Baker)
Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Piketty, From ImagesAttr
Georgism (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Mason Gaffney)
Miss Piggy and Kermit, From FlickrPhotos
getnetabebe (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by getnet abebe)
getnetabebe is good wish for equality in history in future .getnetabebe   was born in small town in  mola, ethiopia .now i am learn in addis ababa    ,journalism and communication.i have great hope in future,to make   Ethiopia democracy.i am parent less,and i am pass alot of   challenge.personally,i like white but i see equal with black people.life    for me teach alot,leave and learn in ethiopia is very challenge.
Mouton Rothschild Farms, From ImagesAttr
Global Smart Meters Roll-Out And Serfdom Of Humanity (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Mario Dufour)
Part 1 : Smart Meters and Wolve's Sheep Pen Part 2 : Smart Meter's Me$h NetworkPart 3 : Hydro-Quebec's Famous Partner In Crime OR   When Condoleza Rice Gives A Sniff At   Your Panties!        
Globalism/Agenda 21 and Related (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rima E Laibow MD)
  Globalism is a process in which economic, social, legal, health and military systems are brought under a single controlling agency, often the United Nations and its component agencies.  The policies and intentions of the process of Globalism include sharp reduction of the global population and limitation of personal options, choices, movement and property ownership.  The tools of globalism are, fundamentally, totally antithetical to personal liberty, health or freedom and must be halted, reversed and eliminated while there is still time and opportunity to do so.  Recommended sites: www.TRUTHAboutAgenda21.com, www.DrRimaTruthReports.com, www.GDS-Therapy.com    
From ImagesAttr
GMO (8 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Kenneth G. Eade)
Genetically modified foods  
DSC_00-386, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Gnostic Christianity (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Blair Gelbond)
  Gnostic Christianity - Going Beyond the Bible  
TillmanKneeling, From ImagesAttr
Gold Star Moms (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Dwayne Hunn)
If we didn't have wars, Gold Star Mom sounds like a wonderful title to have. But we do have wars, an no mom wants the title. Here are some stories tied around Gold Star Moms.  
Hemanta Mukhopadhyay in his prime years (1960s), From InText
Golden Age Bengali Music (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Monish Chatterjee)
  The 4 decades spanning 1940s through 1970s comprise what may rightly be called the Golden Age of modern Bengali music with extraordinary creative artists blossoming in profuse numbers.  Hemanta Mukhopadhyay, Manna De, Manabendra Mukhopdhyay, Dwijen Mukhopadhyay, Shyamal Mitra, Satinath Mukhopadhyay, Sandhya Mukhopadhyay, Protima Bandyopadhyay, Akhilbandhu Ghosh, Jatileshwar Mukhopadhyay, Sabita Chowdhury, Dhananjay Bhattacharya, to name only a few, along with composers and lyricists such as Salil Chowdhury, Gouriprasanna Majumdar, Pulak Bandyopadhyay, Nachiketa Ghosh and several others.   

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