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October 9, 2008


By Mike Malloy

Sarah Palin is not offering sex for sale, yet she IS selling herself like a street walker. She IS being worked by her pimp, John McCain.


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A listener writes:
Dear Mr. Malloy,

I was in my car listening to your show after the debate tonight and I noticed you repeatedly referred to Sarah Palin as a "ho" or the "ho from Wasilla".

Now don't get me wrong, I'm as pro-Obama as anyone out there and think Sarah Palin is a dangerous woman, woefully under qualified for the job she's seeking and irritating as all get out.  However, as a woman and a feminist I was appalled by the language you so cavalierly used to describe her. 

It's not okay when Don Imus calls the members of the Rutgers basketball team hoes and it's not okay when you refer to Sarah Palin in the same degrading manner. 

It is completely inconsistent with having a progressive political agenda.  Hannity and Limbaugh make their living pandering to crude, rude, bigoted blowhards, but it's consistent with their party. Just because they do it, doesn't make it ok for our side to stoop to their level.

I was so offended by your language I turned the dial in frustration and disgust after a few minutes. 

If we have to resort to crude name-calling to prove our point we're no better than them.  I don't want to listen to left-wing insults and blather anymore than I want to listen to it from the right-wing.  In fact, hearing it from our side is just so much more dispiriting.   Please stop doing it.

Please stop using the term "ho" to refer to a woman who is a mother, a governor, a wife and someone's daughter.  Trust me, it reflects poorly on you, not her.

With regards,


My response:


Sarah Palin IS a "ho." Literally. Definitively.  No, she is not offering sex for sale, yet she IS selling herself like a street walker. She is being worked by her pimp, McCain. Pimped to the religious right; pimped to the white racists; pimped to the millions of willfully ignorant Republican voters in this country who truly deserve to be treated with this sort of open contempt. And she revels in - enjoys, relishes, is excited by - her role as political prostitute.

Sorry you're offended by my choice of descriptive terms, but I will continue to use "whore" in referring to this hideous Republican Vice Presidential candidate.

- MM

PS. No offense to sex workers.

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Authors Bio:
Mike Malloy is a former writer and producer for CNN (1984-87) and CNN-International (2000). His professional experience includes newspaper columnist and editor, writer, rock concert producer and actor. He is the only radio talk show host in America to have received the A.I.R (Achievement in Radio) Award in both Chicago and New York City, the number three and number one radio markets in the country. His radio experience includes the 50,000 watt blow-torches in both the South and the Midwest, respectively WSB-AM in Atlanta and WLS-AM in Chicago, and as one of the original hosts on Air America - a two-year-long association that ended in a massive train wreck. Mike's nationally-syndicated program can now be heard weeknights on affiliates of the Nova M Network and on XM Satellite and Sirius Satellite Radio as well as on live Internet streaming.

It is not difficult to pigeon-hole Malloy politically. Generally speaking, he is a traditional Liberal Democrat doing his part to return the Democratic Party to its Liberal roots.
