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May 22, 2013

Fox and MSNBC Unite!

By Mark Sashine

My reaction to the US media concerns about DOJ investigations.


That's what Cokie Roberts said today on Moronic Joe's show; the recent DOJ seizing  of the WH FOX  phone records  unites MSNBC and FOX. Finally! The  shills are scared.  For a long time they sold their souls, their pens and their looks for  hefty sums of money and  suddenly  they felt a cold  breath: their masters don't care for them and  can achieve their goals without them. Cokie complained that  (OMG!)  WH and  other agencies  had SOCIAL MEDIA(!) to use and that's why  the masters had become picky and irritable - they detest the  unauthorized  leaks and  treat the  media people as ...they before treated all others with the media blessing. When the law was broken in Y2000 at elections, when  Gitmo  concentration camp  was erected as a US- pimple of  the World, when Lynne Stewart was put to jail, when professor Arian was crucified, when Helen Thomas, one of their own was treated like dirt, when Obama unleashed drones on the world- that  was  OK for Cokies, Micas  and Moronic Joes- they got their share and filled the air with proper nonsense. But as soon as someone pinched them  a little bit (most likely, the WH  is tired of those berserk young jackasses from  the media who run around like crazy  to get anything  for their own career  and whose malice can be matched only by their ignorance- MS)- the whole Hell broke loose. And now they  suddenly need the proper precedents: Dan Ellsberg is mentioned, Watergate, etc. Of course, neither  Greg Palast nor Robert Fisk were mentioned. I am pretty sure that if that goes on  our  female shills will start to compare themselves to Anna Politkovskaya.

And how similar! Recently in Russia Putin said (!) something  positive about Soviet era and the whole Hell broke loose in the Russian liberal press: they  got  into a  paroxysm. They howled as if they were all already marked for the Gulag. Putin though  did not  budge - he had his own loyal press which  he unleashed and that was  all over pretty soon.  The jackals returned to their caves to lick their tails.

Cokie was right: when  sh&t hits the fan  MSNBC and FOX are the same.  At least their shills are.

 The International,  the great Anthem of the   workers starts as:

Arise, you, toilers of all nations
Condemned to misery and woe

For our media shills    I propose a  new anthem- Shillilluia and it should start as follows:

Unite, you, shills of all the kinds
When  you are taken by the balls..

I just can't help it- I really love to see those parasites cringe.

Authors Bio:

The writer is 67 years old, semi- retired engineer, PhD, PE. I write fiction on a regular basis and I am also 10 years on OEN.
