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August 30, 2009

BEWARE: Swine Flu Vaccine Could Have Major Medical Side Effects

By Mac McKinney

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen is interviewed by Russia Today. What he has learned is highly disturbing: 1/3 of British nurses are refusing to take the Swine Flu vaccine being developed!


Medical professionals, even scientists who helped develop it, are saying they will not take the pharmaceutical industry's whiz-bang crap-shoot vaccine. It contains mercury. Need I say more?

It is not considered safe, according to Madsen.

Here is the RT sidebar of the video:

The swine flu vaccine is now being offered in the United States, but many people are worried about the vaccine's potential side effects. Many say that the vaccine could be linked to the guillain barre syndrome. RT's contributor and investigative journalist Wayne Madsen attended the international swine flu conference in Washington D.C. and talks about what he learned.

Authors Bio:
I am a student of history, religion, exoteric and esoteric, the Humanities in general and a tempered advocate for the ultimate manifestation of peace, justice and the unity of humankind through self-realization and mutual respect, although I am not a pacifist, nor do I believe in peace at any price, which is no peace at all but only delays inevitable conflict. There are times when the world must act. Planetary consciousness is evolving, but there are many retrograde forces that would drag us back down.

I have also written one book, a combination of poetry, photography and essays entitled "Post Katrina Blues", my reflections on the Gulf Coast and New Orleans two years after Katrina struck. Go to the store at to purchase. And I also have a blog called Plutonian Mac.
