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October 8, 2008

Just Say NO! We will NOT pay for this bailout!

By Jeff Maehr

Recently, Congress defied the American people, once again, in voting for the 850 billion dollar bailout (2 trillion dollars after interest) for their pimp friends, and for themselves with the added 150 billion for pet projects... acting as the criminals they are.


Recently, Congress defied the American people, once again, in voting for the 850 billion dollar bailout (2 trillion dollars after interest) for their pimp friends, and for themselves with the added 150 billion for pet projects... acting as the criminals they are. They have presented clear evidence of corrupt and unconstitutional action. They have shown their greedy, selfish, corrupt, perverted, un-American, socialist and fascist mind sets. All those who voted for this bailout should be in prison.

Where is the Department of "Justice?" (Just us) Where is the military? Treason by government leaders is a serious crime. Congress itself has clearly created another major threat to national security. Obama and McCain both voted for this bailout. Congressional puppets who received massive campaign contributions are protecting their financial fixes. In voting for this bailout, both Obama and McCain have committed treason against the American people and is just another reason they are not fit to be president... following in the footsteps of the present treasonous president.

There is so much wrong with this picture that it is likely the death toll for America as we have known it. This path our leaders are on is of such a HIGH national security threat level that it threatens the very survival of America as a sovereign and free nation. Consider these points:

1. Those who are up for re-election likely don’t care about being re-elected. They have their lifetime pensions already in place, not to mention possible future under-the-table payments for their vote on this fascist package. Those that do care about re-election were cowards and scared into acting illegally by the school yard bullies in government and industry. Little do either of these groups realize that their pensions are as vulnerable as every other paper, non-existent source of money.

2. The congress and present administration have become the enemy to the Constitution and Rule of Law, and have committed treason across the board, by voting for this bailout of corporations which are being investigated by the FBI for FRAUD and theft of American’s money. How stupid, insane and idiotic is THAT? American’s should be outraged by this.

3. Paulson likely sought the bailout so his golden parachute wouldn’t disappear. They tap-danced another guy into having control over this bailout... another X Goldman-Sachs CEO (Imagine that). This hack also enjoys the total freedom to NOT be scrutinized on how and where this money goes, even to no court involvement... a FREE check for 2 trillion dollars... and who knows where this money will REALLY end up with ALL checks and balances removed. Is this trustworthy???

4. Congress was conned into voting for this bailout through fearmongering, threats of martial law ( and )and complete financial meltdown if they didn’t vote yes. These were all lies as the markets proved. This bailout is NOT law, regardless of what government says... "...all laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void' (Marbury v Madison, 5 US 1803 (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 170; "The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void and ineffective for any purpose, since its unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment... In legal contemplation, it is as inoperative as if it had never been passed... Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection and justifies no acts performed under it... A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to super cede any existing law. Indeed insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, (the Constitution) it is superseded thereby. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it." NORTON v. SHELBY COUNTY, 118 U.S. 425 (1886).

This goes for every such law (or signing statements, executive orders, etc.) passed or signed that counters the Constitution.

5. It is possible the U.S. Government has sold Americans down the river through an agreement with China to allow Chinese military to function on US soil and "protect assets" which the government has sold to them through fraud and un-constitutional means...

6. The government has continually ignored the American people’s request for "Redress of Grievance" (Amendment 1, Bill of Rights -, and corrupt judges have violated the law in interfering with the two lawsuits filed by Bob Schulz of "We the People" ( to Constitutionally stop the illegal bailout. The judges colluded with government and violated their oath of office... (  and It is possible that people in uniform are being manipulated into being the enemy of the American people’s freedoms and rights. Since no uniformed authority has stood up to renounce these crimes, and do nothing to support our Constitution and the Rule of Law, they are accomplices because they have the power and authority from us to act on our behalf. If they do NOT act, they have declared themselves enemy combatants... domestic terrorists... along with all those voting and supporting this bailout and other illegal/un-constitutional activities.

8. The Federal Reserve, along with the IRS, with support of Congress and corrupt judges... all collude to steal wealth from Americans through illegal and unconstitutional means, like this bailout, the so-called "income" tax, fraudulent loans, etc. None of this is an accident because nothing in government happens by accident.

9. It is mathematically impossible to repay the national debt. The debt actually belongs to the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary fund and the World Bank, not to mention nation’s which bought fraudulent assets through illegal and unconstitutional channels. They are witting or unwitting accomplices in the greed, and in supporting the fraud to the point that the financial crisis we have now was allowed to develop with the clear support of Congress and our so-called leaders.  The "national debt" is simply selling America to every source that is willing to buy our national assets, and enslave all Americans.

10. The government is using all this to attempt Martial Law, take more complete control, and to stem the growing anger and resentment of government by Americans, and to try to stop any actions such as is suggested in this article. Closing the banks, controlling your every move... will be the government declaring war on the American people through more feigned "false flag" events, (which we can certainly expect since they have their momentum now, and will justify Martial Law in every way they can... even to another 911 type staged event) or other fearmongering. If they do this, then American’s have the choice to either stand for the law and the Constitution (which, by the way, is NOT suspended in Martial Law...,  or war with the People they shall have.

11. Congress was NOT allowed to see Bush’s Martial Law plan... They are hiding all they are doing now to implement this, such as Halliburton building more detention/concentration camps across America for a supposed "influx of illegal aliens and other things." Go to  and also google "concentration camps" and "The Rex 84 Program."

12. The government is counting on most American’s being completely unprepared, and completely at their food, no protection, no real assets, blindly trusting... fearfully and sheepishly following their masters to the slaughter. This WILL occur if all American’s don’t rally together and stop this madness.

13. The planning for all this... the North American Union, the new fake money, the "Amero," the open borders, the violation of law and Constitution by the administration, Congress and the courts, the counterfeiting of more and more worthless money (debt) sold to our enemies abroad, the stripping of our industrial base, our jobs, our small farms, the dumming down of our schools and kids, the revisionists working to eradicate true history from public consciousness, the removal of God from America, the creation of super bugs and other disease agents to use to eliminate large population groups and create more fear, the creation of food contamination scares... all have contributed to the demise of America and our way of life and the creation of their "One World Government" and "New World Order" where the elite rule and the rest of humanity are slaves.

American has been under severe attack for decades in preparation for this and much more, but American’s have been sitting back allowing this theft, this preparation, in blind trust of leaders... even supporting them. America has become grossly ignorant, foolishly apathetic and is being manipulated on a daily basis. What can "We the People," who are the true rulers of this nation, do?

1. Just say NO! Refuse to pay any part of this 2 trillion dollar bailout by rightfully withholding your taxes completely until the government gives an answer to us on this and many other things. Did YOU agree to pay this bailout and be the security and collateral for this and all the other government debt? Did YOU sign a contract to do this? This is fraud. Simply stop paying this government one red cent until it answers the People:

"If money is wanted by Rulers who have in any manner oppressed the People, they may retain it until their grievances are redressed
, and thus peaceably procure relief, without trusting to despised petitions or disturbing the public tranquility." Journals of the Continental Congress, 1:105-113.

If the government refuses to publically answer all Americans, then their true colors are revealed. If they try to use force against Americans in ANY fashion, then Americans must defend their country, their homes, their wealth, their lives and their neighbors against such domestic terrorism and those so-called "American’s that would stoop to such behavior against their own countrymen.

2. Remove every cent of your investments that you have left (while you have anything at all) from the large corporate pimps, from 401K’s, from IRA’s or any paper based "wealth," and put it into silver, gold, land, food, equipment, and any other real survival value, because this could save your life and financial future. Invest any extra into small businesses, alternative energy technology companies, etc. Investments in major stocks and corporate interests is a disaster waiting to happen. Quit supporting corporate theft of American’s money, and show them who has the power in this country. The stock market is/will be a black hole sucking American wealth into it. The American dollar is doomed and WILL fail without changes, or be demonetized completely to bring in their "Amero," another fiat currency which will strip even more wealth from America.

3. Email, fax, snail mail, and visit your representatives, and tell them point blank that unless they correct this criminal, unconstitutional, cowardly and destructive behavior, they will not be re-elected, and that the American people will bring, at the very least, charges against every one of them in suits across the country, and put them in prison where they belong.

4. Keep in mind that any paper assets you think you own, or that you think will provide a retirement or financial support can disappear in a moment, and will. Anything that is real... Constitution money...

- Article I, Section 10 - "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility." and silver, etc., will NOT disappear, and will retain their worldwide value and give you power and leverage in times of distress.

5. American’s have the right and the duty to deny these contracts, deny payment of unconstitutional and fraudulent debts, and to demand the return of every penny stolen by the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and corporate banking fraud, and call for the liquidation of any debt based on fraud and illegal/unconstitutional activities and spending.

6. American’s have the right and duty to protect themselves, their families and their neighbors from assault, theft, attacks, open threats of harm, or ANY other similar action by anyone, and can use any force necessary, even deadly force where necessary. The government and Congress are threatening these things and more if they bring out their Martial Law, or do ANYTHING to injure, harass, threaten with any harm, restrict freedoms and rights guaranteed under the Constitution and given by God. Martial Law does NOT suspend the Constitution or our rights as many fear, but as the courts have rightly stated...

7.  Demand a Grand Jury investigation into the illegal, unconstitutional and fraudulent banking system, the corporate thieves who were bailed out, the Congressional involvement with the same, and to hold our representatives accountable to the law. If no Grand Jury will be convened by any authorities, the People must hold a Grand Jury investigation across the country in a public way. We can use the very powerful "Private Attorney General" status which ANY American can hold and use to bring charges against others in government across the country, as one team of Private Attorneys’ General.

If we are not willing to stand together on these issues, NOW, when it is vital for survival, then we will all surely fall to fascism and socialism completely. Just say, "NO, I WILL NOT play this losing game any longer." Take steps to save your freedoms and lives. Do NOT trust your government to take care of you. If you simply evaluate this government and Congress for what they have done so far, then you would have NO trust or confidence in them to look out for YOUR best interests.

Don’t be fools, sheeple or ignorant any longer. Educate yourselves. Wake up... WAKE UP AMERICA, before it is too late and you’ve helped destroy your lives and our children’s future.

Authors Bio:
Jeff Maehr is a health and wellness professional and has been in natural health for 35 years, and is dedicated to educating people about the natural health system and how it can change your health and life. Dr. Maehr previously published a newspaper called the Southwest Free Press, an alternative news source dedicated to truth and Constitutional law, and educating our people in true health, personal freedom, personal responsibility in maintaining freedom, and resisting tyranny and lawlessness on every level. The education of Americans in the Constitution and laws for freedom and preservation of rights is key to taking our country and counties back!
