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April 30, 2008

The Case of 1,000,000 Missing Votes

By Greg Palast

Law professor Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and journalist Greg Palast are launching an investigation. We want to know: where are these votes? Who swiped them? How? And how do we prevent it from happening in November? Read on to see where you fit in and how you can help.


- Greg Palast - -

Robert Kennedy, Greg Palast: The Final Investigation?

Posted By Greg Palast On April 29, 2008 @ 10:05 pm In Articles | No Comments

One million Democrats attempting to vote in this year’s primaries found their names missing from voter rolls. WHERE THE HELL DID THEY GO?Palast and Kennedy

Law professor Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and journalist Greg Palast are launching an investigation. We want to know: where are these votes? Who swiped them? How? And how do we prevent it from happening in November?

The investigations team needs your help. RIGHT NOW. The not-for-profit Investigative Fund needs support to pay the cost of phones, airfare, microphones (hidden, when needed), detective agency fees, camera crew, researchers and all the infrastructure of inquest.

We need, right now, two dozen Producers to put up at least [1] $1000 each to pay for the preliminary investigation and production. You’ll get a tax deduction, a box loaded with DVDs of the finished films now planned from broadcast internationally – and maybe, just maybe, an honest election.

Because it’s our plan to put out the information on the manipulation of the vote BEFORE November.
Can’t put up [1] $1,000? Then donate [2] $500 and get a package of all of my books and DVDs signed to you. Even a [3] $100 gift will be put to good use – and we’ll send you my [3] three latest DVD films, including “The Elections Files” ([4] Watch the trailer) from our BBC TV investigations.

Bobby Kennedy, in his masterful article in Rolling Stone, exposed how Ohio votes vanished in 2004. The Palast team, for BBC Television, unmasked the vicious ‘scrub’ of Black voters in Florida in 2000.
Now Kennedy and Palast have joined together with an extraordinary team of investigators to hunt the missing votes of 2008 BEFORE we have a repeat of 2000 and 2004.

I haven’t sought funding from you all this year – but now I must. Neither I nor RFK take a dime of compensation from the [5] Palast Investigative Fund. But the fund’s hit empty and we can’t ask a our brilliant crew to continue to survive on dog food – they’re beginning to bark at embarrassing moments!

Become a Producer and get personalized signed copies of the books RFK calls, “investigative masterpieces,” my books, [6] The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and [7] Armed Madhouse.

Or donate [8] AT LEAST $100 – try to make it more – and get [8] Armed Madhouse (hardbound) and the CD, “Live from the Armed Madhouse,” signed.

Our investigation is non-partisan. It’s not about saving Democrats, but saving DEMOCRACY.

But we know who's playing games with the ballots.

FACT: On Super-Tuesday, the number of Democrats missing from voter rolls in New Mexico exceeded George Bush’s 2004 ‘victory’ total by 300%. No wonder McCain’s campaign says, New Mexico is “in play.” The question is who’s playing with it?

Join our effort. If you’ve got a tip, a document, a witness – [9] CONTACT US. And add your name to the list of Producers and Supporters.

Some Americans have taken a bullet to protect the ballot. All we’re asking is that you take a tax deduction. Add your name in bold on screen as a producer of the film that will open eyes and stop lies.

[10] Donate HERE – and PASS ON this request to friends and patriots. Let’s stop the attack on democracy NOW – so we can make this the final investigation of a stolen election.

I can’t tell you how much your support of our investigations has meant to us.

Greg Palast

Palast in NYC on Daddy Bush's gold mine
Also: Palm Springs & Chicago

Posted By Greg Palast On April 28, 2008 @ 12:04 pm In Articles | No Comments

This Thursday, May 1st at 5pm at the [11] Bowery Poetry Club, New York City.

How the miners - and the truth - were buried.
Didn't know George Bush Sr. had a gold mine?

You haven't heard about the fortune the Bushes, their cronies and helpers have seized in gold. The reason: Bush's associates have threatened, sued, bullied - even beaten - those who attempt to report the story of their bloody gold mining operations in Africa, South America - and the USA.

Now the families of the victims will stand up and speak out about Barrick Gold Mining - pulling billions of dollars in ore from Tanzania - over the dead bodies of the miners buried there.

For the past 7 years, Greg Palast and other reporters have attempted to tell the story of how, when the Tanzanian gold fields were cleared for sale to Bush's company, 50 miners were buried alive.

They buried the miners - but they can't bury the truth.

Meet Palast - and the families of the victims - in a gripping, eye-opening event.

You thought the Bush family was greedy? You don't know the half of it. We'll tell you the story - and show you the evidence Bush's partners have spent millions to keep hidden.

Find Directions to the Bowery Poetry Club [12] here.

Stolen Elections Unit:
Belzer and Palast on Air America Radio

Posted By Greg Palast On April 28, 2008 @ 10:54 am In Articles, Interviews & Chats, Video | No Comments


José Can You See? Bush’s Trojan Taco

Posted By Greg Palast On April 21, 2008 @ 1:00 am In Articles, Podcasts | No Comments

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By Greg Palast

Monday, April 21, 2008

(For [13]

([14] Listen to the Podcast here)

Psst! George Bush has a secret

While you Democrats are pounding each other to a pulp in Pennsylvania, the President has snuck back down to New Orleans for a meeting of the NAFTA Three: the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico.

You’re not supposed to know that – for two reasons:

First, the summit planned for the N.O. two years back was meant to showcase the rebuilt Big Easy, a monument to can-do Bush-o-nomics. Well, it is a monument to Bush’s leadership: The city still looks like Dresden 1946, with over half the original residents living in toxic trailers or wandering lost and broke in America.

The second reason Bush has kept this major summit a virtual secret is its real agenda - and the real agenda-makers. The names and faces of the guys who called the meeting must remain as far out of camera range as possible: The North American Competitiveness Council.

Never heard of The Council? Well, maybe you’ve heard of the counsellors: the chief executives of Wal-Mart, Chevron Oil, Lockheed-Martin and 27 other multinational masters of the corporate universe.

And why did the landlords of our continent order our presidents to a three-nation pajama party? Their agenda is “harmonization.”

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Harmonization has nothing to do with singing in fifths like Simon and Garfunkel.

Harmonization means making rules and regulations the same in all three countries. Or, more specifically, watering down rules – on health, safety, labor rights, oil drilling, polluting and so on - in other words, any regulations that get between The Council members and their profits.

Take for example, pesticides. Wal-Mart and agri-business don’t want to reduce the legal amount of poison allowed in what you eat. Solution: “harmonize” US and Canadian pesticide standards to Mexico’s.

Can they do that? Can Bush just say, “Eat your peas – even if they’re radioactive”? Under NAFTA, at least the way George Bush reads it (or has it read to him), he can.

When the three chiefs of state meet privately with the thirty corporate chiefs, they are also expected to erase a bit more of our borders. Technically, they will expand the "NAFTA Highway" - which is, in addition to lots of new blacktop, a set of regulations governing transcontinental shipment. Some fear NAFTA Highway expansion will allow a new flood of cheap Mexican products into the US and Canada. Not so. The Council's hunger to widen the NAFTA highway is to bring in even cheaper Chinese goods.

Say what?

As trade expert Maude Barlow explained to me, the new NAFTA Highway will allow Chinese stuff dumped into Mexico to be hauled northward as duty-free “Mexican” products. That’s one of the quiet aims of this “Summit for Security and Prosperity,” the official Orwellian name for this meet. Think of the SPP “harmonization” as the Trojan Taco of trade with China.

Barlow is Chairwoman of the Council of Canadians. She is known as the “Ralph Nader of Canada” (not Nader version 2.0, The Spoiler Candidate, but Nader 1.0, the consumer advocate). Because Americans are too distracted by the Punch-and-Judy primaries to complain about this lobby-fest on the bayou, Canadian Barlow is leading street protests against the SPP greed-grab.

I caught up with this courageous Canadian (I’ve seen her face down corporate bullying we can’t imagine in the US) on her way down to New Orleans. Barlow is especially horrified that the SPP agreement promotes a five-fold increase in the mining of Canadian tar sands for import, as liquid crude oil, into the USA, an idea filthier than a re-make of Debbie Does Dallas. “This is an insane model of development,” she says, especially given Bush’s recent claim that he wants to slow global warming.

Bush himself is pushing his Canadian and Mexican counterparts to adopt US-style “Homeland Security” measures so that, says Barlow, “we’ll all be zip-locked together in one security bag.”

There will be other anti-SPP protesters in New Orleans as well, from America’s populist Right. They are concerned that the Summit is worse than the “NAFTA on steroids” that Barlow fears. The populists see in the SPP a nascent “North American Union,” and the elimination of the good old US of A.

They’re wrong, of course. The USA was eliminated years ago, at least economically. The globalizers, the Competitiveness Council members, are a multinational crew, with one shared set of country clubs, beach homes, art collections, union busters and lobbyists knowing no borders.

The populist radio hosts railing against the coming North American Union don’t realize that these CEOs won’t take away our flags or Fourth of July or Star-Spangled Banner. The rags and flags will always be kept around to con the schmucks along the Yahoo Belt into donating their children to the Iraq Occupation or other misadventures. Likewise for Mexico's rulers: A billionaire like Carlos Slim, the richest man on the planet (sorry, Mr. Gates), didn’t buy the Mexican government to “protect” his nation from Gringos but to protect his media monopoly. The corporation that purchases Canada's leaders, Barrick Gold of Toronto, has looted treasuries from Tanzania to Nevada to Chile - and shared the spoils on both sides of the border with their well-greased advisors Brian Mulroney, former Prime Minister of Canada, and George Bush Sr., former head of the US CIA.

So there is no United States of America nor Canada nor Mexico - at least as we like to imagine ourselves in our national fairy tales: self-governing democracies run by we the people or nosotros el pueblo. There’s just the diktats of the North American Prosperity Council. Get used to it.

To underscore the fact that you aren't invited, nor our elected representatives, Barlow related to me that the US Ambassador to Canada told her the legal changes wrought in New Orleans will not be put before the three national Congresses for a vote. “We don’t want to open up another NAFTA,” he told her. So, they’ll skip the voting stuff. Democracy is so, like, 20th Century.

Is Bush just a reluctant participant in this “harmonizing” of our economic fate? The meetings are secret, so I can’t say for sure. But I note that, at the opening ceremony, if you read his lips, you can see our president singing the national anthem as, “José, can you see?”


Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and [15] Armed Madhouse: Sordid Secrets and Strange Tales of a White House Gone Wild. Sign up for Palast’s investigative reports for BBC on RSS feed at [16]

Make a donation to the not-for-profit Palast Investigative Fund and receive a DVD of the untold story of the drowning of New Orleans, Big Easy to Big Empty, made for Democracy Now! at [17] Check out a clip from Big Easy below.

Note: On May 1, in New York, Palast will speak at the international conference of the victims of Barrick Gold mining operations. Information soon at [18]

You're not supposed to see this...

Posted By Greg Palast On April 16, 2008 @ 10:02 am In Articles | 2 Comments

As heard on [19] Air America Radio with Richard Belzer - Buy The Election Files and uncover who's stealing the election of 2008.

All the Greg Palast reports originally broadcast on BBC Television - and the reports they haven't broadcast yet - on the Theft of the Election of 2000. Of 2004. And 2008.

The [20] "Election Files - Theft of 2008" - the film available only on DVD to supporters of the Palast Investigative Fund .... including never-broadcast interviews with fired US prosecutor David Iglesias, with Bobby Kennedy Jr. blowing the whistle on the vote rustlers, and close ups of Karl Rove-bot Tim Griffin, the caging man, in tears. (You don't want to miss that.)
Watch Palast get busted by Florida State smokies in Katherine Harris' office and YOU decide if, as Harris says in the film, "American democracy has triumphed again.

For a [20] donation of at least $50, we'll get it into your hands within two weeks, SIGNED TO YOU PERSONALLY by award-winning investigative reporter Palast.

With the hour-long film are bonus tracks: the confidential documents of the Bush gang. AND Larry David ("Curb Your Enthusiam") reading, "KERRY WON NOW GET OVER IT." Plus Alec Baldwin reading, "Jim Crow in Cyberspace."

Make a [21] tax-deductible donation of at least $75, and we'll add in, signed, Palast's brand new film on DVD, "The Assassination of Hugo Chavez." It's the story of our NEXT oil war reported in advance.

"Palast is America's top investigative reporter - and the funniest," says Randi Rhodes. Find out what's so funny - and so terrifying ... give the gift of truth.

A gift for a friend? Give us their name and Greg will personalize it. Just go to our 'store,' make a donation and leave a note in the box with the names of those who will appreciate the films that Noam Chomsky says, "Upset all the right people."

"Palast is exactly what a journalist is supposed to be - a truth hound, doggedly independent, undaunted by power. His stories bite. They're so relevant they threaten to alter history." - Chicago[20] The Election Files DVD Tribune

A personal note from Greg:

We absolutely, desperately depend on your donations. You make the donation, I'll send the gift. The 'Assassination' and 'Election' films are my best stuff - investigation, explanation and the tragicomedy of a White House gone wild. I guarantee you won't get any of this on US mainstream TV - the stories the rest of the world sees.

Real reporting is real expensive. Make a donation and help us buy the shovels to dig out the facts. - Greg

Get a taste of the films at [22]

“In the beginning, there was Alan Greenspan…”

Posted By Greg Palast On April 15, 2008 @ 1:38 am In Articles, Video | No Comments

Hedge-fund Hogs, Lunatic Leverage and Banks Gone Beserk

by Loretta Napoleoni
Author of [23] Rogue Economics: Capitalism’s New Reality (Seven Stories Press) Just released!
April 15, 2008

Exclusive to [24]

In the beginning there was Alan Greenspan. Appointed by Ronald Reagan in the late 1980s as chairman of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan was a Master of the Universe, a title he earned by working for decades on Planet Wall Street. Greenspan took office as Fed chairman while the Evil Empire of Moscow was collapsing; after years of ruthless conflict, known as the Cold War, the Confederation of the Free World gained victory and Greenspan was tasked with helping Western capitalism colonize Planet Earth. Worshipped by Western high finance - the Supreme Council of the Free World - Greenspan was considered the High Priest of future profits.

Greenspan eagerly got to work. His most popular move was to pursue a deflationary policy. He began cutting interest rates, which reduced the cost of capital. This was music to Wall Street ears. Victory over the Evil Empire had opened its borders for workers who had until then been trapped inside; these workers quickly joined the Western Europe labor force. In the space of a few years, the West’s labor supply doubled and salaries began falling. As labor costs shrank, profits rose.

Each time the storm of a crisis linked to globalization gathered on the horizon, Greenspan dismissed it by cutting the interest rate. This happened in the late 1980s with the Mexican peso crisis, in the mid 1990s with the Asian market crisis and again in the post- 9/ 11 economic slump. Wall Street was happy, very happy, that interest rate charts looked like ski slopes, because when the cost of money falls, banks and financial institutions always make a profit. So began the rush to market cheap loans. From Citigroup to J.P.Morgan, banks aggressively competed with each other in selling credit. Demand for credit was strong and grew stronger as people were lured to believe that easy credit was the solution to all their problems. With the constant reduction in interest rates, banks periodically refinanced their outstanding loans at lower rates and pocketed the profits. It was a sure thing.

Making money in the galaxy of global finance was so easy that several Masters of the Universe, CEOs of large banks, set up new private equity businesses to maximize returns. Thus the Blackstone Group was born from a rib of Lehman Brothers. Blackstone is a hedge fund, an enterprise that gathers liquidity in the market to invest it where the returns are the highest. With the cost of capital and labor falling, the market was awash with money from corporations and shareholders, all eager to make even more money, it soon became apparent that the best sector in which to invest was the growing US mortgage industry.

Easy and cheap credit boosted demand for real estate, pushing property prices upwards. Banks and lending institutions decided to profit from this, using derivatives to transform growing debts into assets. Enter mortgage-backed securities: bundles of mortgages became stocks whose value was linked to the price of the properties they funded, and not to the riskiness of the outstanding debt. Each time interest rates dropped and property prices rose, those who had mortgage-backed securities in their portfolio made a profit. These profits ended up being redistributed among shareholders and CEOs of banks and hedge funds. This explains the huge bonuses and compensation packages of high finance. In 2006, Stephen Schwarzman, chief executive and co-founder of Blackstone Group, by then the world’s largest hedge fund, personally earned $2.5 billion.

The US Treasury, now headed by a former Master of the Universe from Goldman Sachs, Henry Paulson, kept the party going.

Soon foreign banks and pension funds, as well as hedge funds, were getting into this business. They purchased mortgage-backed securities issued in the United States from big American investment banks. And thus American mortgages were globalized. Property loans for new developments in Texas ended up in the pension portfolios of groups of dentists from Berlin. When the crisis came, it too was global. A bank from the British Midlands, Northern Rock, was the first one to be nationalized to avoid bankruptcy due to the subprime meltdown in the United States.

As credit became cheaper and cheaper, banks and hedge funds borrowed more and more money against the rising value of mortgage-backed securities. They borrowed from each other to enlarge their portfolios, which became enormous, and they borrowed against the rising value of properties linked to the mortgages, debts that were being treated as assets. The Masters of the Universe masterminded these deals. They lent each other money they did not have, money that existed only as accounting figures. Among these lending Masters was Carlyle Capital, offspring of the Carlyle Group, the “financial club of the powerful”, whose members include or included former British prime minister John Major, President George Bush senior, and the Arab super super-rich, among them, the bin Laden family. The fund used its amazing connections at high political and financial levels to gather cheap credit. And the giants of global finance, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and UBS, got into financial scrums to become its lenders at phenomenal and ridiculous conditions: for each dollar in assets on their account books, they lent $31 more. This ability to lend the same dollar 31 times is called, ‘leverage.’ Carlyle Capital’s leverage -- its ability to raise money in the world market -- was the most extreme. And when it went down, it had $22 billion in outstanding debt against assets of only about half a billion.

It has become apparent that the galaxy of global finance is not a real one. It is made of paper and accounting numbers. The subprime meltdown is destroying virtual empires erected by the Masters of the Universe: Carlyle Capital’s failure forced the bargain basement sale of Bear Sterns, whose CEO lost $800 million in the space of one day. As share prices plunge, investors on Wall Street may be worth hundreds of millions of dollars less when they leave the office in the evening than when they arrived in the morning. Don't cry for these guys. Losing a hundred million is nothing to those, like Bank of America’s mortgage unit chief, Anthony Mozillo, who pocketed over half a billion dollars in compensation for a bankrupt and bankrupting business.

Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of the galaxy of global finance? The collapse of the global house of cards constructed by Greenspan? Certainly this seems the case for Carlyle’s big lenders. Last week UBS, the swiss giant, wrote off $19 billion. In December 2007, UBS had already registered a loss of $12.5 billion because of the subprime mortgages, a loss luckily covered by a loan from two government investment funds, one from the Gulf and one from Singapore. Also this month, Deutsche Bank wrote off $2.5 billion and it is likely that in the coming weeks, the primary lenders of Carlyle Capital will issue more similar announcements.

What we are left with are two million families in the USA facing foreclosure, the collapse of manufacturing wages worldwide – and a memoir by Alan Greenspan that pretends his fantasy world was never exposed as a world crisis in the making.

Greg Palast is the author New York Times best-selling author of [25] Armed Madhouse and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Loretta Napoleoni is also author of the international bestseller, [26] Terror Inc.

Support Greg Palast's investigations by donating to the [5] Palast Investigative Fund.

Tibet: Olympic Torch-ured

Posted By Greg Palast On April 14, 2008 @ 1:34 am In Articles | No Comments

By Greg Palast

April 9th, 2008

China has barred the press from Tibet for years except on gun-guided tours. In 1993, I entered Tibet as a “tourist.” The photographer I snuck in with me was quickly discovered, her camera smashed, film destroyed.


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Poor Tibetans with prayer wheels. “Rioters” and “splitists.”

By time the police searched our room, the documents my wife and I carried from the Dalai Lama’s secretariat were safely in the hands of the persons whose names we made certain not to know.

These photos made it out. These are the “rioters” and “splitists,” as the Chinese call them, including this monk, who’d just gotten out of prison after 27 years. After we left his mountain hermitage (followed by police), he raised the flag of the rising sun, symbol of Free Tibet – and was sent back to prison

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Tibetan monk – before his return to prison.

This is the face of the occupied living under the iron fist of Chairman Rob – Rob Walton, Chairman of Wal-Mart, whose company controls 700 factories in China, none in the US. And that's what it's all about: don't follow the torch. Follow the money.


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Chinese prison above Lhasa, holding more monks than any monastery.


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Buddha “executed” by bullet from Chinese troops.

Photos by Greg Palast

View more photos on our [30] Flickr site

Posted By Greg Palast On April 10, 2008 @ 10:20 am In Articles, Podcasts | No Comments

[31] Listen to The Palast Report on the Nova M Radio Network, new home of Randi Rhodes. Palast can be heard on Nova's flagship station, KPHX Phoenix, on ActionPoint with host Cynthia Black.


Courtesy of Keith Tucker [33]

Randi Rhodes and Greg Palast caucus at Air America studios.

Randi Leaving Air America

Our Randi leaving Air America studios

Photos by Lilli Wilde (c)

Watch Randi's brilliant, hilarious video on [34] YouTube.

Greg Palast's Palast Report is heard weekly on Air America Radio - so long as Hillary permits it. Listen to this weeks [35] podcast here. Posted April 4, 2008

"Let Our Oil Go!"
Some scary words from Hillary

Posted By Greg Palast On April 9, 2008 @ 12:20 pm In Articles | No Comments

Greg Palast,
The Palast Report
Air America Radio - on Clout with Richard Green
April 4, 2008

Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Armed Madhouse and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Palast's investigative reports for BBC Television are compiled in the new DVDs, The Election Files: Theft of 2008 and The Assassination of Hugo Chavez. Hear The Palast Report weekly on Air America Radio.

God Damn America
Especially Pennsylvania

Posted By Greg Palast On March 24, 2008 @ 1:27 am In Articles, Podcasts | No Comments

By Greg Palast
Sunday, March 23, 2008, Forest City, PA

Listen to the [36] audio podcast here.

The kids were snoozing so I drove along the back roads skirting the Lackawanna River on a dawn hunt for black coffee and a[37] Sheriffs Notice by Greg Palast newspaper.

I think even Norman Rockwell would have found this place too sticky sweet, too postcard: the weathered barns, the fallow fields perfectly snow-frosted; red, white and blue flags already up on the clapboard farmhouses and the white-washed church in the valley already full for Easter prayers.

At a gas station, I scored the paper and coffee, spilled some on the front page – the closest thing I’ve got to a religious ritual – then parked in front of a row of insanely pretty salt-box houses shining like mad teeth on the river bank.

One was missing a pick-up in the driveway; its screen door was left half-open, and there was a letter taped to the window. The Sheriff’s Notice of eviction. Another foreclosure.

God damn America.

I know that’s what Obama’s spiritual guide would say.

But why? It seems likes He’s already done a pretty good job of damning these United States.

And He seems to have really taken it out on this corner of Pennsylvania.

The gargantuan Bethlehem steel works have dwindled to a few robot-operated mills controlled from Mumbai, India. The only remainders of nearby Carbondale’s mining industry are in display cases at the ageing Coal Inn. But you could still get out by selling your home to ski tourists from New York – until this year when mortgage markets turned cancerous. That leaves Forest City one industry, lumbering – which we can kiss goodbye since a recent ruling by the NAFTA board which allows the import of cheap Canadian wood.

Some local kid has made the paper having been thrown, helmet first, into the volcano called Iraq. The Scranton Times-Tribune, two pages after the photo of a priest blessing a bowl of who knows what, noted that three soldiers killed in yesterday’s bombing are, “pushing the death toll in the five-year conflict to nearly 4,000” – which is true if you don’t count Iraqi dead. But Someone must be counting them. (From way up in heaven, I wonder if we look like a nation of Christians – or an empire of Romans.)

Phil Ochs, before he killed himself, wrote,

“This is a land full of power and glory,
Beauty that words cannot recall.
But her power shall rest on the strength of her freedom.
Her glory shall rest on us all.”

Whatever. It’s a difficult place to be an atheist, in this America, surfeited as it is on every vista with signs of His overwhelming grace and His exasperated wrath. It’s as if the Lord Himself is just as confused and frustrated and disappointed as the rest of us by blessings so abused.

There’s one consolation. He has apparently granted Pennsylvanians the privilege, come April 22, of choosing which Democrat will lose in November.

Which may not mean much to Sandy Ryder on whom the spirit of Easter has landed like a ton of bricks. Sandy, says the flyer tacked up at the Bingham diner, was, “Recently diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer.” She’s a, “Single mother of two – Tony and Brandon – and Grandmother of one – Jason.”

And there they were in a photocopied portrait, the earnest elder son and little Jason to her right, the young slacker (Tony? Brandon?) slouched to her left. The town’s hawking a benefit for Sandy, $10 at the door, “including Food and Beverage” and a “Chinese auction.”

(I’ll bet Al Qaeda could pick up some recruits here – if Osama would offer health insurance.)

Whatever. This is, after all, Holy Week, which marks the anniversary of the grounding of the Exxon Valdez, the day the giant oil corporation soaked 1,200 miles of Alaska’s coast with crude sludge. March 24 marks 19 years since the grounding and 19 years since Exxon’s promise to compensate the ruined fishermen. You should watch the 19-year-old video-tape of Exxon’s man in Alaska. I especially like the part where he [38] tells the fishermen,You have had some good luck – and you don’t realize[39] Benefit for Sandy it.

I know some of the fishermen on the TV footage, like the Anderson family, Eyak Natives. I can tell you, the Eyak don’t feel so lucky, still waiting for the Supreme Court to act on Exxon’s latest stall on payment. They’ve seen plenty of Sheriff’s Notices these past 19 years.

So Happy Easter.

George Bush tells us he’s, “feeling just fine.” And we should be glad for him, I suppose.

Bush ends his most belligerent speeches by saying, “God bless America.”

So, why hasn’t He?

Maybe you can tell us, Mr. President: Why hasn’t He?

Greg Palast is the author of the NY Times best-selling books [40] Armed Madhouse and Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Read his reports at [22] and sign up for the audio podcasts RSS [41] here.

Join Palast's Network on [42] MySpace, on [43] FaceBook or on [44] YouTube.

And here's what you can do about it: DON'T FEED THE SHARKS. Take your money away from predators Citibank and Bank of America and put it in your local Community Development Credit Union, your local not-for-profit banks. In New York City, check out the Lower East Side Peoples Federal Credit Union, with branches downtown and in Harlem. Go to [45]

Article printed from Greg Palast:

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[1] $1000 each: [2] $500 and get a package: [3] $100 gift: [4] Watch the trailer:

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Authors Bio:
Greg Palast’s investigative reports appear in Rolling Stone, the Guardian and on BBC Television. His latest film, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, on how Donald Trump stole the 2016 election, is available on Amazon. Palast is Patron of the Trinity College Philosophical Society, an honor previously held by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde.
Palast turned his skills to journalism after two decades as a top investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering. Palast's reports appear on BBC's Newsnight and in Britain's Guardian, Rolling Stone and Harper's.

Palast is best known as the investigative reported who uncovered how Katherine Harris purged thousands of African-Americans from Florida's voter rolls in the 2000 Presidential Election.

Palast directed the US government's largest racketeering case in history--winning a $4.3 billion jury award. He also conducted the investigation of the Exxon Valdez on behalf of the Alaskan Natives.

Palast is recipient of the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Prize for his BBC television documentary, Bush Family Fortunes.

Greg Palast's newest book, Vultures' Picnic will be released by Penguin Books in November of 2011. Find out more info at
