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February 24, 2017

The Democratic Party Must Transform!

By Timothy Gatto

I would like people understand that I believe this country needs an opposition to right-wing/conservative politicians that work for the Corporations. Unfortunately, these politicians can be found in both the Democratic and-Republican parties. It would be naive of anyone to think that all Republicans are bad, and all Democrats are good. This is simply not the case.


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In the New York Times today, I read that the Democratic Party is going to declare an all-out war don Pres. Trump. It mentioned the election for DNC chairman, and called representative Keith Ellison an "insurgent" candidate. The article implied that the Democrats were going to throw off their cloak of corporatism and join with the people that supported the candidacy of Sen. Bernie Sanders. Somehow, I doubt that the Democratic Party will do any such thing.

I would like people understand that I believe this country needs an opposition to right-wing/conservative politicians that work for the Corporations. Unfortunately, these politicians can be found in both the Democratic and Republican parties. It would be naive of anyone to think that all Republicans are bad, and all Democrats are good. This is simply not the case. But what we do have... are dinosaurs that need to be put to pasture.

When I talk about "dinosaurs" I'm not talking about people who are old.I'm old. When I talk about dinosaurs, I'm talking about those politicians who believe that the that the way things have been done in the past, are the the way things should done the future. I can name a few Democrats in the Senate who fit that bill, including Sen. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Diane Feinstein.

Maybe when they first entered politics they were political firebrands... I really don't remember. I do know however, they were very silent when George Bush passed the Patriot Act and started clamping down on civil liberties by expanding the NSA and the CIA. They were also silent when Pres. Obama crackdown on the occupy movement with his "fusion" centers throughout the country and started knocking heads of of those people in the occupy movement. Also, I didn't see them rise to the defense of Chelsea Manning for Edward Snowden or any other whistle blower that Pres. Barack Obama through bright up on federal charges.

People like that give citizens a bad taste in their mouth and that is the way they view the Democratic Party. Sen. Bernie Sanders who was described by the mainstream press as a "radical socialist" was really no more "radical" than FDR. There is nothing "radical" about Bernie Sanders. The only thing radical about him, was that he went against the ruling establishment of the Democratic Party. That was radical.

I was a Democrat from the time I was old enough to understand about politics. Like many people my age, my hero was JFK and after he was assassinated I looked at RFK to finish but his brother's job but the "Deep State" took him too. I was also a big supporter of George McGovern and other Democrats that stood against the war in Vietnam. I blame the changes took place in the Democratic Party and William Jefferson Clinton as so many other writers and commentators do. Clinton's presidency was probably the worst thing that ever happened to the Democratic Party in long-run. He might've helped it gain popularity when he was first elected, but by the time he left office he had changed the face of what Democrats stood for by trying to emulate the Republican Party.

Now, because Donald J Trump is sitting in the Oval Office, we are being led to believe that the Democrats have changed their stripes and on the side of left-leaning progresses. This is what the Democratic Party would like you to believe and what the mainstream media would like you believe. Regardless of whether representative Keith Ellison becomes a chair the DNC are not, the Democratic Party is not going to change until they get rid of the super delegates and until they get rid of their corporate sponsors. As long as the Democrats are being funded by Goldman Sachs ,Morgan Stanley and Chase, Citibank and all the other banks and brokerage houses on Wall Street, nothing is going to change with the Democrats.

They also needed change in the congressional leadership along with the leadership at the DNC. They need stop taking donations from Big Pharma and the fossil fuel industries.

Another thing they also must do that is of paramount importance... is the field progressive candidates in all 50 states. They need to stop sending conservatives to conservative districts for Congress. They need to trust the American people sound judgment. They need to understand that people don't care about the terms conservative or liberal or left-wing or right-wing. They care about who will represent their state and work in the state's best interest and who is not controlled by the corporate state. Until Democratic Party respects the intelligence of the American people, their destined for the dustbin of history. There will be a new party to take their place.

In reality, the Democrats have nothing to lose, you can't be a more terrible political party than a party that was beaten by a human being that is more comparable to a cartoon character than Donald Trump. In my mind, Donald Trump is standing over the Democratic party, screaming at them and telling them that them "you're fired!"

Of course, I would like to see the Democratic Party grow a spine and become the party of the middle class again. I would like to see them move away from worshiping capitalism. I would like to see them strive for inclusiveness, regardless of how much money people have in their bank account. To be honest, this is a pretty tall order and will take a real political revolution. The Democrats must understand that they can't be just like the Republicans and maintain a role in American politics, the American people don't want that, and will not tolerate that. Until they understand this, they can look forward to losing more congressional and senatorial seats and watching the corporations assume total power and destroying the last vestiges of anything close to democracy.

(Article changed on February 25, 2017 at 01:41)

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Authors Bio:

Tim Gatto is Ret. US Army and has been writing against the Duopoly for the last decade. He has two books on Amazon, Kimchee Days or Stoned Colds Warriors and Complicity to Contempt.
