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October 29, 2012

the Big Picture: OCTOPUS NATION. (part 2, octopi tv)

By Kim Cassidy

This is about how corporate head octopi can harm your children, through tv programs which set them up (and you) for failure.


   (This is the second article in a series, designed to show the big picture as it relates to the individual american citizen.)

  We start with our simple metaphor, the nation as a map, upon which sets a pyramid made of many blocks which represent all of the businesses from 'mom & pop' at the very bottom, to the very largest corporations (like halliburton, monsanto, etc.) at the top. Upon this tippy top sit 10 differently colored octopi, who represent the top individuals or groups who either own, or control, all of the businesses below. Their long tentacles have thousands of suction cups, with teeth! This is so they can suck your buck AND take a bite out of you at every junction from the bottom as your dollar goes traveling up, up, up. These bites are the insult to injury, are in the cruel design, and are meant to give you a good mindf!cking while reducing your property, health, wealth, self-esteem, and even family, friends, and freedom. This is some serious shinola, folks, and you will be angry when you really start to see the truth. Take your time, but make sure you no longer, ever, promote the lies that have allowed this heinous system to grow into what it has, with only a few people making a ruckus about it all (and who, coincidentally, have been laughed at by people LIKE you, who have only now just seen their error and blind trust).  

  Have you noticed what's happened to programming recently? All of television, it seems, is devoted to making you feel bad about yourself. You're too fat, too ugly, don't have enough hair, or have too much, all in the wrong places. You're not smart enough, tv says, so you NEED their services to keep your home, get a job, do taxes, learn how to eat, learn how to be a good little prescription medication taker, how to stop ruining the environment, and how to pick up enough clues every evening to solve and maybe even prevent your own inevitable murder. You are divided from your network of family and friends over stupid disagreements, like arguing over who is the best team, or political party, or whether you support unions or like paper better than plastic. You are also told you're too uptight, and need help to sleep. All of these criticisms (or suggestions, if you are naïve) are meant to set you up, by putting you in a headspace that makes you want to solve all of your problems by giving them money, which goes through many hands and channels, only to wind up at the top of the pyramid, in the accts of one or more of the octopi sitting atop.

  Last time we discussed prisons, and how these days just leaving your home is a risk of years of incarceration, even when completely innocent of any crime. Now we can elaborate on how tv can set you up to make the kinds of mistakes that may just lead to your being charged/fined/convinced to pay significant amounts of money, or even to make sure you are locked up, either in jail, prison, rehab, mental institution, work camp, even the military (or private security for those who cannot qualify for real military, but wish to avoid a tiny prison cell). Many of these are court stipulations, or are part of an actual plea bargain. You will be amazed at how clear these things become, and chances are good that you will discover a disgust for those responsible, especially in the ways they present what is acceptable in society, which leads to ruining the lives of children. And let's begin there, with the children.

  No matter what the rules are, every kid watches tv, and it affects them. Remember, these are the new days, and octopi own nearly all the tv stations, advertisers, producers, recording and television studios, and many of the celebrities we know and like are contractually beholden to them. Or married, or socially entangled, in ways where 'perceived disobedience' can result in the ruin of careers, substance abuse, prison, suicide, and even murder. This is the real life risk for all celebrities, yet, thanks to tv, all little kids who can talk will tell you how they are going to be on tv someday, and how they will live happily ever after, and that everyone will always like them. Few will say they are planning to work hard for years, and how they'll proudly climb back from regularly received disappointments all along the way. All they know is that mom (and maybe dad) will be proud and happy if their little cutie pie can only "win".  

  Tv ads and shows will have you buying things for your baby long before she is ever conceived. In fact, octopi specialize in helping folks who can't conceive go around the natural rules to labs where god has a white coat on. (Clever this, how they take your own cells and sell them back to you, and you have to pay, even if they screw up and kill them!). But the point is, by the time baby gets here, her name/info has already made it onto hundreds of ad lists. She has even been considered for college, yet getting her into a decent preschool will not be easy or cheap. Octopus schools are everywhere, under nearly every name except "public". Free programs like Head-Start, and other actual beneficial programs, like Sesame Street, are always getting squeezed and sucked and bitten by octopi, who who need the lowest middle income families to remain naïve and ignorant, so as not to compete with, or scrutinize, octopi and their own offspring. The example has been proven and is evidenced in the modern mormon polygamist isolated societies, where only reading select religious doctrine is allowed. The women and children know nothing of the outside world, or what rights are, thus keeping them prime targets for all manner of victimization. Looks like this experiment is now to be expanded to the nation. Don't let it.

  So what ARE kids watching? The answer is everything, and, especially, what you watch. Don't ever think they don't hear or see a program, or understand a dirty joke, just because you don't want them to. They just won't tell you. That's what friends are for, right? That's what tv shows them, as kiddy shows always present bumbling, idiotic parents that need their kids to save them. Kids kind of take this responsibility on, too, which is why they believe dressing up pretty, singing loudest and longest, and getting applause will save the family, neighborhood, and maybe the wide world. Of course it won't. For every beauty or talent contest an octopi sucks and takes his bites (one from you, one from the child--this one leaves a scar!). Some, seeing actual talent, will sign you into a contract that is almost entirely fine print, and will lead you one day to an attorney's office trying to figure out why you are being sued by an octopus for not sending his cut of the profits from your little girl's lemonade stand, or the $ prize she won on the debate team. They make you, and your child, beholden to them, and this holds up in court every time. Check out what happens to young hopefuls who try to get a career on their own, AFTER being booted off American Idol, or any of its copies. They have signed a chunk of future profits away unknowingly.

  Also, tv run by octopi will do everything possible to sexualize your child. I am absolutely not talking about homosexuality here, I am talking about inner-sexuality, and natural feelings and bodily reactions quite beyond a child's capacity to understand, attribute, or weigh rationally. Kids are as open vessels, and the octopi are pouring sex into kids' minds as early and as often as they can. They play it from every angle. The obvious angle are shows that octopi figure you won't realize your kids are watching. These often happen during pre-work hours, where kids watch during breakfast, and mom is drying her hair. The best, or really WORST, example is a show about SUPER SUMO (somethings), and the entire half hour cartoon is set upon the subject of butts. Yes, asses. Human. And nearly every minute shows at least one crotch view of a cartoon man's stuff being hidden by the tiny black strip famous in sumo wrestling attire. Every joke is a butt joke. They talk about get that thing away from my butt, butt power, etc. haha. You get the picture. As any mom can tell you, this is not child friendly stuff. In fact, if a child were to copy slogans, phrases, or actions from this show, as kids naturally do, they could be labeled and more, up to being prosecuted or taken from parents, and put into the octopus 'system' as a sexual offender or deviant. Not a good place for any kid to be! (Think Sandusky.). 

  So, the octopus tv system, elaborately constructed with many phony 'nice guy' faces, is actually out to get you, and your kids. For allowing your kids to watch freely, you can be jailed, fined, forced to take any of a number of newly designed classes to rehabilitate your loserness, have your kids taken away, and even lose their respect for life due to meddling manipulations of octopi. You have lost your peace of mind, you worry all the time, yet you feel alone, misunderstood, and stagnant. It almost feels like someone is working against you at every junction. Guess what? They are, there are 10 of them, and they have more professionally trained minions and even innocent supporters than you can imagine. They make kids kill themselves by creating social values that prove to kids that they are not good enough, or even normal. Values that remind them nightly, in primetime, that murder in the neighborhood or school is expected. That their only real value lies in beauty or being sexually exciting for the approval of old men. If this isn't enough to make you want to net these octo-a**holes, then maybe nothing would be. Watch your children watch tv, and don't forget to discuss things that seem to upset them. Call the station, make a stand, make a scene, but do something, even if it is just to shut the damn thing off.

Authors Bio:

I am an american born woman, in my late 50's, with B.A. (Psychology) and 99% completion of grad school (sociology, psychology, womens studies). My studies were pre 9/11, so I am old school, believing in the values of keeping families together, expressing healthy and real emotions, problem solving through communication, full client privacy, and I am convinced in the inherent goodness of people. I value individuality, creativity, and protecting nature and all of her children. I am, and always will be, against war and violence. Peace!
