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October 9, 2012

Saving Christ from the Self-Proclaimed Christians of the Corporate Church

By Burl Hall

Moving beyond our conditioned minds, we cease and we die, according to Christian mystic Jacob Boehme. It is in that stillness of death that a new life is found within us. Dare we to die in order to create a new world? Or do we stay stuck in the mess we have created.


"What hinders men from seeing and hearing God, is their own hearing, seeing and willing; by their own wills they separate themselves from the will of God. They see and hear within their own desires, which obstructs them from seeing and hearing God. Terrestrial and material things overshadow them, and they cannot see beyond their own human nature. If they would be still, desist from thinking and feeling with their own self-hood, subdue the self-will, enter into a state of resignation, into a divine union with Christ, who sees God, and hears God, and speaks with him, who knows the word and will of God; then would the eternal hearing seeing and speaking become revealed to them." ~ Jacob Boehme (1575-1624 C.E.)

The primary purpose of all meditation is to attain clarity of mind and union with one's Beloved. This attainment of Absolute Mind is called Bliss, Nirvana, Orgasmic Release, etc. To experience this means one needs to subdue the clattering, chattering conditioned mind of Ego and surrender to the profound silence inherent in the Greater Mind. This Mind is beyond the Bible thumping preacher. Often, the preacher does not act as a catalyst to salvation; indeed, through his theology-philosophy he oftentimes hinders it and keeps us stuck in ego--his ego and our own.

Dare we go deeper while letting go of preachers, politicians and corporate heads?

In Christian Alchemy, the process of deepening or transforming entails moving beyond the philosophy of the ego by the methods of :

  • Calcination: the identification of the ego process by recognizing and watching the egoistic mental, emotional and physical attributes that bind us.

  • Dissolution: the process by which we burn our egoistic pains and fears in fire creating ash, washing away those long held beliefs that joined us with the ego mind.

  • Separation: the stage whereby we see ourselves in two parts, the upper conscious higher mind and the lower temporal worldly body. Here we see truth from falsehood because of our new expanded view.

  • Conjunction: the point at which we encounter the limitless and infinite greatness of the entire reality. It's where we find our Path of illumination in the All and see that the gift of growing never ends. Here we begin to climb the "Ladder' of the spiritual ascent and start entering new realms of conscious awareness.

  • Putrefaction: the stage at which the anchor of the temporal bodies decays and we're faced with its shadow. Here we clearly see the attributes that limit our attainment and we face them, finally healing and accepting the "who we are' here in this world -- joining the upper and lower together.

  • Distillation: the process by which we embrace a new form of existence, connection and revelation that was not available before, also called the Philosophers Stone. This stage is very advanced; it creates within us a sense of true love and All. Here we become embedded into the structure of everything and we see ourselves in others. We "Love our Neighbor as Ourselves' because we truly don't see a separation any longer.

  • Coagulation: the Phoenix rising, the enlightened state of Buddha-hood, or the Holy Grail. This state of Oneness transcends anything that can be explained by words and is the true merging with the Creator Force as One -- the Elixir of Immortality. (See Alchemy link below)

Oneness can be experienced through various means, including walks through Nature (which is walking within the Mother's body), meditation, chanting, yoga, etc. Ultimately, the objective is to enter into the Primordial Realm from which we emerge, the Unmanifest. As such, Paracelsus states: "He who wants to enter the divine realm, first must enter his Mother's body, and die herein."

Don't take this literally. It's not speaking to your biological Mother. It is talking about Nature, the Divine Essence. What I call Sophia-Marie, which in our currently dead English language is translated as Wisdom-Ocean. The process mimics Man's relationship to Woman. Men emerge from women head first and return head first. Of course the latter head is the penis and not the upper head (unless one considers oral sex with the tongue mimicking the penis). This is why ancients considered and worshiped the Goddess as Mother, Sustainer and Fate. This function of the Female is also evident in considering the notion that "womb" and "tomb" are just one consonant apart. The breasts are the upper points of a downward pointing triangle which reaches its point in the vagina. (The fallopian tubes from the ovaries and into the womb are also a downward triangle, see diagram).

The Hebrew Star of David illustrates this intrinsic spiritual pattern.

Many Christians became upset by this process because they don't want to die. They want their ego self to just keep going. This is why intercourse is oftentimes discounted or deemed "sinful." It is evil because it takes us into more inclusive states of consciousness, meaning we surrender our ego to something greater. Thus intercourse reflects the upper pointing triangle for it is a movement upward and inward. Birth moves us down and out, while intercourse moves us up and in. Sexuality needs to be re-sacralized and understood in the context of all of life. The movement of upward and inward is the transcendence of the conventional mind. This is the Mind that the Powers That Be want to deny you. Yet, we surrender to the conventional, conditioned mind at great cost. Instead, we must voluntarily surrender to the Universal Mind. The sense of surrender/death and abandonment of self must be heightened so that we can evolve. We must let go of our conditioning.

Listen to most television evangelists and notice how much into themselves, their ideas, and their theologies they are. "Follow ME!" they say. "I have the Way!" It's precisely this same hold onto our ego, what we think we are, that has us stuck in this corporatized nightmare. Dare we slay the dragon in our dream? Scary thought to face this dragon, especially since the dragon is what we falsely identify as our self. Within the womb of this false self, we are stuck in a pattern of behavior that is driven by a egocentric, reductionistic, growth gone wild mentality that is destroying our planet.....our homeland. And what's worse is that we think this surface layer of reality is what is real. It is not, it is what the Hindus call Maya, or illusion.

Our conditioning, for instance, tells us that labor and birthing are beyond a woman's power and must be turned over to the controlling hands of the medical establishment who will, so kindly, anesthetize the pain. This is a lie; but it is a rare woman in our culture who enters powerfully into her own experience, riding the waves of pain and surrendering to become one with the visceral wisdom of her body. Like intercourse, the miraculous moment when two become one, birth, the miraculous moment when one becomes two, and finally death, the miraculous moment when we return to the One, are prohibited from us unless we reclaim our native power as alchemists.

For change to occur, the ego must die and be reborn. Transformation requires this. There is no change without death. There is no way around it. We have to die. Yes, the Earth will die along with us, but like us, She will arise from the ashes and will nurture us along, in whatever form we take, just as She always has done. And, yes, She will continue to utilize us as Her milk for other creatures such as lions and tigers and bears.

"OH MY!" Dorothy answers from Oz. "Sweetheart, get over it, bravery (lion), intelligence (scarecrow) and heart (tin man) are all within you. Don't think you don't have these. Think again, and they will guide you. You have your self-doubts like the Scarecrow, but look at what he did. He was always coming up with solutions. And, do you have the courage....oh, humble Lion, get your tail out of your mouth, wipe your tears, and go confront the witch! And Tin Man, why I bet you could rust with the best of us with your tears of love."

In our death and our arising, the Earth will die and arise right along with us. This is the New Earth promised at the end of the Bible's "Revelations" which has been utilized by the church to keep people locked into fear, rather than into a state of exploring their depths. In this place, one finds the process of Revelations as being within. Yes, even the marriage of the New Jerusalem, literally meaning "Place of Peace" will be found in the Heart behind our heart. "All Her ways are peace," Proverbs says of Sophia. Wisdom and Peace are one as reflected in Her names as Salem and Shalom.

Sweet Mother of God, can we go there? Only if we can let go of our conditioning. We can complain about the politicians, and crooked corporacrats all that we want. The fact is, it is us that needs to change. We can't rely on an external Mother to change us. Nor can we wait for a guru or Savior to come along. We experience the second coming of Christ within ourselves. Sophia does not fit the bill for external. Through Her we change our own crappy diapers. It is through our internal Psyche that we will find ourselves nursed into this new birth. The question is, can we die to what we have been conditioned to think we are so that the new can emerge? Can we BE the second coming? Yes, for new life to emerge from the dark depths of the Beginning, penis, semen and sperm must die to vagina and egg. And we shall die, egg and sperm together, at which point new life shall emerge. And this deathly process will be revealed in the end analysis as the infamous Phoenix arising from the ashes. Thus, the Resurrection is complete.

Sunday Evening Prayer

Burl B. Hall

January 16, 2010

Heavenly sweetness

To what purpose have you birthed me?

To toil for the sake of dead men

Unaware that they are even dead?

Am I myself the walking dead

Manifesting your lie of life?

To what end do I walk this death?

For what purpose have I been sent?

Is it some external God destined for resurrection?

Or is it I lying in the shallow grave

Sporting sparsely flowing blood

Squirming deathly in this earthly prison of eternal slavery?

Links to Images

Alchemy Image and Information:

Image of uterus:;_ylt=A0PDoS6M73NQeEMARNCJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?

Star of David:

Authors Bio:
Burl Hall is a retired counselor who is living in a Senior Citizen Housing apartment. Burl has one book to his credit, titled "Sophia's Web: A Passionate Call to Heal our Wounded Nature." For more information, search the book on Amazon.

Burl's philosophy entails the idea that "everything effects and causes everything thing else." His spirituality of Sophia i.e., Wisdom is universal as well as within each of us. He also sees the idea of Chaos as not being "all over the place" but as infinite relationships.

The question I present in my articles speak not so much towards the politicians, but how WE the people can empower ourselves within a planet that is healthy, wealthy and wise.
