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July 12, 2012

If Not Us, Who Will Fight for Real Justice?

By Lenny Brody, Michael McGee, Cynthia Papermaster, Mitchell Rabin, Laura Bonham, D

Last week, we celebrated our Declaration of Independence. In recognizing the basic human rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, our long march towards freedom and democracy officially began.


At the core of the Declaration are justice and the rule of law, or the lack thereof. Many of the listed injuries speak to the loss of legislative and judicial avenues to seek redress. Our American ancestors wouldn't stand for it--they risked all to fight for freedom. 

Our ability to recognize injustice remains as strong today as it was in colonial times--we all know something is very wrong. But what has changed in the course of human events to prevent us from joining together to secure and expand our democracy for future generations?

JPUSA-real-change-200x101.pngPoliticians from both major parties and their appointees, in league with powerful corporations and the uber-wealthy, haveeviscerated the public trust by creating policies that benefit only the very wealthiest at the expense of the rest of us. King George would have approved.

The Occupy Wall St. movement is giving voice to the many injustices visited upon the middle class and poor in recent decades. The Justice Party is building anelectoral arm to represent our collective cause: a cause for justice and the rule of law, a cause to perfect and expand our democracy, a cause to restore a system of checks and balances; a party for we the people--all of us.

We need your help to succeed. If you don't have time to volunteer or can't afford to donate, please take a few minutes to spread the word about the Justice Party throughout your network. 


Lenny Brody, Michael McGee, Cynthia Papermaster, Mitchell Rabin, Laura Bonham, Dave Jette, Kristine Kubat, Keomailani Von Gogh


Submitter: Daniel Geery

Submitters Website:

Submitters Bio:

In my run for U.S. Senate against Utah's Orrin Hatch, I posted many progressive ideas and principles that I internalized over the years. I'm leaving that site up indefinitely, since it describes what I believe most members of our species truly want: I thank those who sent such wonderful comments, even though it forced me to go buy a few larger hats, which were among my top campaign expenses (just kidding).

My forever-to-write novel (now my favorite book for some unfathomable reason), A Summer with Freeman, finally got out the door, via Kindle and CreateSpace. Readers of this site, and anyone else with two or more brain cells who want some "serious humorous relief" may want to check it out:

My family and I lived off the grid in an earth-sheltered, solar powered underground house for 15 years, starting in the early '80s, proving, at least to myself, the feasibility of solar power. Such a feat would be much infinitely easier with off-the-shelf materials available now, though the bureaucracy holding us back is probably worse.

I wrote a book on earth-sheltered solar greenhouses that has many good ideas, but should be condensed from 400 down to 50 pages, with new info from living off the grid. It's on my "to do" list, but you can find used copies kicking around online. Just don't get the one I see for $250, being hawked by some capitalist... well, some capitalist.

I'm 68 with what is now a 26 year old heart--literally, as it was transplanted in 2005 (a virus, they think). This is why I strongly encourage you and everyone else to be an organ donor--and get a heart transplant if you're over 50, unless your name is Dick Cheney.

I may be the only tenured teacher you'll meet who got fired with a perfect teaching record. I spent seven years in court fighting that, only to find out that little guys always lose (; recommended reading if you happen to be a parent, teacher, or concerned citizen).

I managed to get another teaching job, working in a multi-cultural elementary school for ten years (we had well over 20 native tongues when I left, proving to me that we don't need war to get along--no one even got killed there!).

I spent a few thousand hours working on upward-gliding airships, after reading The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed by John McPhee. But I did my modelling in the water, so it took only two years and 5,000 models to get a shape that worked. You can Google "aquaglider" to learn more about these. As far as I know, this invention represents the first alteration of Archimedes'principle, spelled out 2,500 years ago.

"Airside," the water toys evolved into more of a cigar shape, as this was easier to engineer. Also, solar panels now come as thin as half a manila folder, making it possible for airships to be solar powered. You can see one of the four I made in action by Googling "hyperblimp"(along with many related, advanced versions).

Along with others, I was honored to receive a Charles Lindbergh Foundation Award, to use my airships to study right whales off Argentina. Now we just have to make it happen and are long overdue, for reasons that would probably not fit on the internet.

In 2010 I married a beautiful woman who is an excellent writer and editor, in addition to being a gourmet cook, gardener, kind, gentle, warm, funny, spiritual, and extremely loving. We met via "Plenty-of-Fish" and a number of seemingly cosmic connections. Christine wrote Heart Full of Hope, which many readers have raved about, as you may note on Amazon.

I get blitzed reading the news damn near every day, and wonder why I do it, especially when it's the same old shit recycled, just more of it. In spite of Barbara Ehrenreich and reality, I'm a sucker for positive thinking and have read many books on it. I find many many of them insane and the source of much negativity on my part. My favorites these days are by Alan Cohen, who seems to speak my language, and likewise thinks a bit like Albert Einstein did (as do I on this note). Albert: "Try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that, behind all the discernible laws and connections, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can comprehend is my religion. To that extent, in fact, I am religious."

Though I rapidly note that I've kept alive my deceased and "devout atheist" friend's book,

Lastly, kudos to Rob Kall and those who make OEN the site that it is: one of the last bastions of free speech.
