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March 19, 2010

Where Is The Outrage?

By Bettye Johnson

The author questions and expresses outrage on the lack of action taken by our national legislators on important issues that are given little notice.


In reading recent news, I have come to the conclusion that our national legislators must be drugged or under mind control. When I say drugged, I am referring to the drug of influencing by lobbyists, corporations and no cohesiveness among each party. It is almost the same for the majority of the American population who are drugged by television, sports, action movies, and wondering why people are losing their jobs, losing their homes and seeing their savings depleted. We are definitely a nation in chaos. I surmise that there a vast number of people who are outraged. I am outraged.

Here are only a few of the situations that I am outraged about. I am outraged that the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives and President Obama cannot pass a decent health care bill that is fair to the people of this country. I am outraged that the people are bounced back and forth like a ping pong game and we are the ball. I am outraged because lobbyists are having more clout than the people on behalf of the greedy pharmaceutical corporations, health insurance corporations and the American Medical Association. I am outraged because the voice of the people is largely ignored and women get the short end of the stick.

I am outraged that our legislators are not truly taking action to countermand the Supreme Court's decision that a corporation is a 'person.' Does a corporation bleed? Does a corporation have a heart? Is a corporation actually a person? It should be defined more as an octopus with many tentacles. Why isn't there a bill passed denying corporations 'personhood'?

I am outraged that someone up on the hill hasn't taken action to change a law pass in 1872 that give mining corporations FREE use of public lands in Nevada owned by the people of this country. What do they mine? Gold and silver and according to Brian William's report on MSNBC's "Fleecing of America," there is almost $14 billion that (yes, $14 billion) lies within the Twin Creeks mine. Twin Creeks pays nothing for extracting this ore. A spokesperson for Twin Creeks says that to change the law would force the corporations out of the United States and jobs would be lost. Lost? I think this is a bunch of hype. Why can't our government run it and give back the jobs to those who live there and use the profits for the people of the United States? Senator Harry Reid of Nevada pussyfoots around the issue. Have you heard this from any other news media?

I am outraged at the little known news that the U.S. Government borrowed money from the Social Security Trust Fund to the tune of 2.5 trillion dollars! Why isn't there outrage in our news media? Two decades ago, the U.S. government borrowed this money and the Treasury Department issued a stack of I.O.U.s in the form of Treasury bills. These Treasury bills have been kept in a non-descript building near the municipal offices in Parkersburg, W. Va. It is time to demand the return of this money to the Social Security Trust Fund. Why? One has only to look at the shafts being given to the elderly in this country.

I am outraged that the Senate rejected giving $250 to the elderly as a stimulus.
I am outraged that seniors now face changes for In-home Care meaning that more and more will not be able to stay in their homes and will be placed in institutions for lack of a  better word. I am outraged that seniors' defaulted loans may come back, to haunt them due to a recent law passed. I am outraged that the seniors on Social Security received no cost-of-living increase in their monthly checks.

I wonder what it will take for the population of this country to truly become outraged and demand that their voices be heard and action taken? Too many are caught between a rock and hard place attempting to save homes, making ends meet, however there must be a hue and cry for our legislators to change laws and to put aside religious beliefs and differences and truly legislate for the greater good of the people of these United States.

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Authors Bio:
Bettye Johnson is the award-winning author of Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls, an Independent Publishers Book Award Winner 2006. Moving from the cotton fields in Texas to the embassies of Paris and Tokyo, Bettye Johnson has a woven tapestry of experiences. Born in 1929, she has experienced the Great Depression along with an environment of bigotry, prejudice and with her many moves became a free thinker. Employed in the Foreign Service of the U.S. State Department, Johnson received a fascinating non-academic education. She left the Foreign Service to further her experiences by becoming the wife of a career military man, mother of three sons, a government employee, Federal Women's Program Coordinator for a government district office, program director of a holistic health center, minister, and now an author. Bettye is a popular speaker and conducts workshops on various topics.
