Broadcast 5/29/2013 at 9:10 AM EDT (86 Listens, 58 Downloads, 814 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Medea Benjamin is co-founder Code Pink and Global Exchange, and a uthor, Drone Warfare-- Killing by Remote Control.
Rough interview notes (mostly my questions)
What were you trying to accomplish there?
In your article on why you did it, you wrote about how you waited and finally, decided, no".
Did you feel that you accomplished something significant there.
Do you know if any cameras showing you speaking DURING the speech?
Again, do you feel that you accomplished something significant?
Can you give advice on general terms on how to get into a press conference (or event?)
What about preparing to go into the room? What do you bring with you? What do you wear?
What about those shoes Should you wear sturdy ones so the goons don't step on your feet?
What about picking a place to sit?
Once you start, are you sitting, standing. Are there thoughts that go into the first behavior?
HOw long after your first utterance was it before the security people came after you.
What do you do to avoid them and prevent them from silencing you?
You kept speaking after they started dragging you out.
Is there a way to interact with the people dragging you-- any way to walk , to resist?
What do you wear, what kind of purse do you bring, do you wear it? What's in it?
Did you have someone waiting for you outside to either drive you or bail you?
How many times would you say you've done something like this with different people?
Have you prepped or trained other people to do this kind of thing?
Was there any recourse legally, in terms of the person who did that to her (Rae Abileah had her neck twisted by someone at AIPAC where she interrupted Bibi Netanyahu)
Any advice you give people before they do something like this?
Medea: "recognize that there are always two voices in your head"
What do you to in terms of preparing to be arrested, ahead of time?
What about having someone else bringing a camera. Any tips on positioning, on technology for recording?
What's the best positioning for the person with the camera?
Do people take away cameras or take things from you, at all?
Do the police have the right to tell you to delete or tell you to erase what's on your phone?
Police used to arrest people who were videotaping police but they began losing civil suits...
When you're done, what do you do with what you did in the room?
Have you heard from the Obama camp since you did this?
You've done this scores of times. What is the best outcome you've ever achieved doing this?
Are there times when you have multiple people go into the room so, if one person is grabbed, another can continue".?
Code Pink has a rep for street theater. Was there a script, was it rehearsed?
Any more approaches to getting in front of a speaker or a hearing?
You have someone new who's going to get in front of a crowd. What kind of pep talk do you give?
What are the criteria or benchmarks or measurements for success in doing this?
How does it feel as you are talking to the president? Some of the activists I've spoken to who have been arrested have said it feels great.
What word do you prefer instead of using the word "heckle"?
Size: 31,329,280 -- 1 hrs, 5 min, 16 sec