they came zapping at him
(with directed energy weapons)
they came yapping at him
(think: Spanish Inquisition Catholicism)
voices out of Dark Shadows
voices streaming from old radios
vampyres of light and substance
halloween every day, trick or treat or trance
O mosquitos malodorous monster molecules!
(evil: hate: anger) everywhere
field testing the future
applying the suture
rounding up dissidents of the regime
sounding out residents, assembling a team
and the panic run begins
and the bottle begins its spins
al pacino sea of love cries out
if i was half the man i used to be!
i'd burn down this postmod fab for free
where is the love? it's got the gout
nelson mandala flashes his smile
pretended to be sic when Obama came
to visit him for a photo op frame
Madiba had been out of the womb for a while
kenmore (cubed) and the "sane" one
on their way to the Fenway disco
visiting from the north end of Frisco
bump and grind with a guy named Gun
the tony soprano archetype shows up (natch)
swaggers, daggers, arms akimbo with bimbo
bellowing booming trying to do the limbo
no cigs now, Tony is wearing a tobacco patch
the effete snobs that Spiro Agnew warned us of
before he resigned under a cloud of retro shame
no way the blue bloods were playing the greek game
trojans, horses, and fiery gadflies in an olio of love
and poor old johnny guernica, the altar-ego
seeming to be what he was not, and then wasn't
removed from the scene by the scene, not pleasant
singing early Van, Hey, where did we go?
it's the chaos the Chinese frown at
when they see how we misbehave
playing, for sport and cash, dialectical slave
by the hour, f*cking the black town cat
yes, the man who had a head full of voices
was presented with a menu of limited choices
animals came at him barking animal
creatures from outer inner space
looking to get in his inmost face
from alien within, pop-out cannibal
well, it's the way of the world
(and tis a pity she's a whore)
if your world is Whitechapel Hogan
Down Under thunder ballet bogan
(trying to even an uneven score)
one minute you're a man, the next girled
yes, the man who had a head full of voices
time in quicksand reading james and joyces
slipping away through the egg timer
one less loud-mouthed weisenheimer