the 4 D's of Trump and his Cult: Denial, Deflection, Delusion and Deception:
Aahhh, the 4-D's of trump and the trump cult; denial, deflection, delusion and deception. that's all trump, his mindless sycophants, criminal enablers and fanatical cult have been spewing for the last 5 years. Every time trump lies, says or does something unconscionable or commits a crime he's challenging the media, his staff, his cabinet, the GOP or SOMEONE to correct, contradict or challenge him. This is how a cult of personality works. The cult leader will say something that everyone knows is wrong, and, for whatever inexcusable reason, no one will correct or contradict him.
This is getting MORE serious as time passes. trump has been committing crimes for 35 YEARS and getting away with it. Now he can add murder and war crimes to his resume'. He's dismantling our environmental protections and defying congress and federal law at will. He does what he pleases when he pleases WITHOUT any accountability whatsoever.
Trump ADMITTED , on national tv, during the 2016 GOP debates, that he committed bribery, contributed, through the years, to the campaigns of most of the politicians on stage with him, in return for political favors! He said it RIGHT ON TV AND NO ONE, that I'm aware of, BUT ME HAS EVER BROUGHT IT UP! He was pointing out how corrupt the other GOP candidates were by admitting HE BRIBED THEM! AND NO ONE - NO ONE! - HAS BROUGHT THIS UP BUT ME! I wonder why?
Trump escalates his crimes every time he's allowed to get away with one of his crimes. He counters EACH insane act, and exposure and criticism of that act, with something MORE INSANE! We have a lying, unaccountable, out-of-control, unstable, rogue in charge of a lying, unaccountable, out-of-control, unstable, rogue govt. and the GOP continues to enable this madman and the dems do NOTHING to stop the madness! MY GOD PEOPLE! How much longer are we going to allow this criminal to get away with and commit MORE CRIMES? DEMAND TRUMP BE REMOVED NOW!
REMEMBER, trump, himself, has NEVER been subpoenaed yet - not even during the mueller probe! And neither has ANY of his family! Trump has been GIVEN UNPRECEDENTED leniency by both the GOP and the Dems and we have to ask - WHY?! Trump's being treated like the privileged CEO of the U. S. Regardless of how much chaos and harm he causes our country he WON'T (likely) be held accountable and will, in fact, be enriched by his unconscionable and irresponsible behavior.
And despite anything else, trump's obstruction is blatant and obvious. To "acquit" trump of that charge would be blatant and obvious corruption. It'd be violations of oaths to be "fair and impartial jurors" and obstruction of justice in its own right. Hey, but since when have "oaths" meant anything to politicians and justice been their goal? Especially concerning the GOP's unfounded and unwavering defense and support of trump over these last 3 years.
We have, RIGHT NOW, a criminal in the Whitehouse, a criminal Whitehouse staff, a criminal Whitehouse cabinet, a criminal led SENATE and criminals leading the GOP! we have a DAMNED ROGUE, OUT OF CONTROL, CRIMINAL GOVT and we damned well better STOP IT! So what happens when the justice dept itself is corrupted by a corrupt attorney general? We have a criminal, elitist "president" being enabled by a criminal, elitist political party because they want those criminal, elitist federal judges he's stacking the courts with to rule our judicial system for generations to come. That's where we're at now. What happens when we have a ROGUE govt in place administered by corrupt people protecting their own corruption and pursuing the implementation of a permanent oligarchy? What do we do?