An American tale . . .
Once upon a time in a small city, a gang of thieves and murderers had several restaurants which was their chief source of income and so long as the restaurants flourished, the gang had plenty money to carry out their criminal projects and activities.
The local politicians had all been bought out, so the townsfolk were on their own.
Hopelessness reigned . . .
But one day people began to realize that IF THEY STOPPED GOING TO THESE RESTAURANTS, the gang would simply no longer have the financial muscle to terrorize the town.
So, the people had an internet town hall meeting and decided to stop going to these restaurants. Simple.
And lo, the gang began to have second thoughts about their gang activities since they no longer had piles of money.
Even the politicians had second thoughts about supporting the gang since the gang no longer had the money to buy off the politicians.
MORAL: Any money you GIVE to a criminal is going to be used to destroy your life.
The town, of course, is the United States of America, and the thieves and murderers are the Bush/Republicans (or Democratic Republicans -- same thing), and they have limitless power because WE KEEP GIVING THEM MONEY.
And how do we do this? We stop buying their products. See spot run obvious, right?
However, by now even barnyard animals understand that politics is part of the problem not the solution and the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumber. Listen to the DLC Hillary Clinton Doll or Judas Joe Lieberman. These people are IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER progressive or populist politicians. The diaper dems are giving the finger to all the political polls just as much as the Nazi pugs. We should NEVER forget the recent boot licking the Democratic Party did to Georgie Porgie about Iraq.
So the corporations buy the politicians (of both parties!) and the politicians are court jesters of the pig, pig rich. Also simple.
May I say that again: WE HAVE NO ADVOCATES.
But what we DO have is the choice as to where we spend our money, and we should never forget that the corporate world has a very soft underbelly, i.e., whatever product they make, someone has to buy their product to keep the game going.
Take just one ultimate pig corporation of planet Earth: EXON. These swine keep spending millions of dollars trying to discount the scientific certainty of global warming. So, let's begin with EXON on go on from there.
Let's stop buying their bloody gas and all their criminal products. They may not be a restaurant, but you know what? They need us more than we need them. And that's true for ALL of these corporate "gangs" -- they need us more than we need them. Hey, if we boycott EXON, than that soft underbelly (or bottom line) will be damaged VERY badly and VERY quickly. And after a month of two, we'll start reading about how EXON has "changed its mind" about global warming.
Three things stirred together in the right combination will save our country, children, and planet.
(1.) The internet which permits us to massively network. In fact, the internet has effectively become our "grass roots" party.
(2.) Systematic and nation wide boycotts of targeted vampire corporations by millions of networking Americans.
(3.) Life and death realism that the Democratic Party (with a handful of heroic exceptions) is the shadow Republican Party.
My fellow Americans (as Lyndon Johnson used to say), we are desperately and tragically on our own. No one is gong to help us, BUT we can bring these fascist corporations to their knees by spending our money wisely and selectively.
The quantum jump we have to make now is from talking to talk to walking this walk.
So if this is an internet town hall meeting, I guess I'm talking over the fence to my neighbors about boycotts, boycotts, and more boycotts.
And this cuts both ways. On the one hand it's frustrating that the boycotts won't work unless millions of us spread the word to get boycott bashing airborne. On the other hand, just think how empowering it will feel to "light one candle". Each time we drive by an EXON station (or whatever); we'll know we're doing our part of save our beloved country.
Here's the equation: (the internet) + (nation wide boycotts) = (a massively empowered grass roots party). What's beautiful about the boycott strategy is that's its independent of our “one party system”, i.e., the Democratic/Republican (or Republican/Democratic) Party.
Money talks -- OUR money!
W. Christopher Epler (Bill)
more from Bill at <>