I’m getting mixed messages on Iran. I know we now have three carrier strike forces off the coast of Iran, but that isn’t anything new. One leaves, its two, another comes in, it’s three again. I know in his heart of hearts (or what substitutes a heart in a man that really doesn’t have one). Bush wants to strike Iran. Once that happens, it won’t be like when he invaded Iraq, this country won’t put up with it, it will mean mass demonstrations and fighting in the streets. People will get killed and not everyone getting killed will be in Iran. There will be rivers of blood right here in this country. Mark my words.
Bush and that fat ass chickenhawk Cheney might believe that Americans are going to give him a pass for starting another war, but he should think again. He should pick up a history book and read about the New York Riots that happened during the Civil War right here when people got sick of seeing rich people pay their way out of the draft and the Army picked up poor city boys and were throwing them in the trains bound for glory. The New York Mob went up 5th Avenue and wrecked everything they could. They even went to the Boss of Tammany Hall and likely killed him and his family. The Federal troops had to come out en masse to stop the riots. There were dead soldiers and demonstrators all over Manhattan.
Bush might believe in his deluded mind that conquering Iran might raise his standing as President from the gutter that it’s in, but it won’t, all it will do is eventually lead to his arrest and his incarceration. Attacking sovereign nations for political reasons is not something that Americans take kindly too, at least in this last century. People have had enough of Bush and Cheney. The Democratic standard bearers like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama can stand shoulder to shoulder with these neo-nazi’s and it won’t help. We can see the writing on the wall with these so-called “anti-war” Democrats and we find their credentials wanting. They are part of the problem, definitely not part of the solution.
I’m telling you this Mr.President, don’t attack another country. There is nothing here that warrants another war. Pakistan has nuclear weapons and Musharif is on the verge of fighting a civil war there because a good number of Pakistani’s want to make Pakistan an Islamic Republic and implement Islamic Sharia laws. You accepted it when they went nuclear, you didn’t attack North Korea when it developed nukes. Why Iran? Is it because of AIPAC and the other strong Jewish lobbies? Since when had Israel dictated American foreign policy? I know that since the Republican right has been in power they have practically had veto power on all that goes on in the Middle East.
Forget about Iran Bush. You and Cheney had better start hiring some good lawyers so that you can stay out of jail once you are out of power. You have done nothing right since taking office and the naked truth is that most Americans don’t trust you anymore. Try to undo some of the things that you have done instead of making matters worse. You started one civil war in Iraq. Don’t try to start another one here.