Newspapers are touting the “new” alliance of Sunni militias in the fight against Al-Qaeda in Bagdad. It is really no surprise considering I forecast this very thing months ago. Why is the government always three steps behind the rest of the world? Why do the mainstream media and the majority of the American people eat this crap up? If they are seriously rocked by this turn of events, than they should hire me to tell them what time it is. I have written time and time again that the United States doesn’t need to worry about Al-Qaeda in Iraq because the Iraqi’s with their hatred of foreigners will throw them out of the country all by themselves. It’s a wonder that the Taliban didn’t turn on them in Afghanistan.
So where is my job offer? There will be no job offer because the administration knew that eventually the Iraqi’s would turn against Al-Qaeda. Now that this is happening, it’s time to bring our forces home. Let the Iraqi’s deal with these foreign Arab fighters wrecking havoc in their country. All we need to do now is pack up and get our boy’s and girl’s home, right?
Oh, that’s right… the oil. I almost forgot. The oil is the reason that we have to stay. We don’t have to worry about the terrorists following us home anymore, but we do want control of their oil, isn’t that right, Georgie? Why don’t you be a man for once in your boot-licking life and tell the American people why we are in Iraq? Go ahead, tell them that we are in Iraq so you and your family along with your mega rich oil baron buddies can rape a whole country out of the only resource they have that’s worth anything.
When you look at the real deal that’s so very transparent to anyone that takes a good look at it, you wonder why nobody says a goddamn thing. The American media was at one time, a force to be reckoned with, but now they are just so many suckling sycophants. Katie Couric reads a teleprompter and will spout anything on it, along with the other so-called “anchors” of the big networks; the only thing these people “anchor” is their fat asses to that chair behind a desk. None of them will ever get any kind of journalistic award unless they come out with “The Best Suck-ass of the Decade” award. What the hell are these people teaching our young people? How to go along to get along? That’s something I didn’t think you had to learn until you got into national political office.
Is there any integrity left anywhere anymore? People hear so many lies coming from the White House that they don’t even bother to call anyone out on them anymore. It’s getting to the point that more and more people get their news from the “Daily Show with Jon Stewart” than they do from CBS or NBC. It isn’t because Jon Stewart is funnier, it’s because he speaks the truth, while these other clowns at the networks read their teleprompter with glassy eyes and tell us with straight faces that the price of gas is going up because the refineries are breaking down. Meanwhile New Orleans has become a ghost town and you hardly hear a word about it.
Who is it in TV Land that picks the tier 1 candidates for President? I want to know. Who says Hillary Clinton is “the frontrunner”? They have her crowned President before the race is two months old! It makes no matter, people watch this crap on TV and wonder if they will really vote for Hillary. If the television said that Dennis Kucinich or John Edwards was the front runner, they would wonder if they would vote for them. Meanwhile, I worry about whether or not there will be an election in 2008. From what I’ve heard on the web, the President just signed this nifty law that says that if the US should suffer some kind of attack, he could just proclaim himself the decider until he decides that there should be elections. Of course the big media outlets didn’t report on that. I guess that they will just “surprise” us with that if and when there is another terrorist attack which by the way, the government has already said will definitely happen at some point. I just hope it doesn’t happen until Hillary is in the White House. That’s the one that’s going in next right? Hey I watch the news.