A divorce is a divorce is a divorce
It is becoming more evident every day that the divorce taking place between the Democratic National Committee and supporters of Clinton is what judges see in their courtrooms every day. Often, when a marriage breaks apart, people choose sides and remain devoted to one partner or the other. In a similar situation, the anti-Obama forces, who may or may not still consider themselves Democrats, are gathering together to deny the White House to them. Their loyalty is not to the party, which they feel has squandered any right to it, but to the individual of their choice.
As in a marriage, there are warning signs that a permanent separation is taking place. But that is what Howard Dean and his clique are arrogantly ignoring. With no apparent chance for reconciliation and without a Clinton/Obama ticket, the Democrats have a good chance to be defeated by John McCain in November.
What is emerging is an anti-Obama movement of individuals who are gathering under a tent wide enough to include all the groups most noted to be hostile to his candidacy. That these activities are already underway seems be ignored by an presumptive Democratic leadership, which in spite of having been warned that this was going to happen, maintain that the Democrats will come together once a nominee is chosen.
However there are office holders in some districts who realize that if they want to be re-elected, they will have to depend on those voters the next time around. These are the ones who are aware that every candidate running for office is securitized on the Internet, which provides the most extensive research vehicle in history. Delegates and Superdelegates cannot hide their choice of a candidate because it becomes available to thousands if not millions, within seconds. With the growing discontent, especially about Congress under the leadership of Pelosi and Reid, they know that it will not only be the presidential nominee's future that is at stake, but also their own. Their choice of who to support may effect which party has the majority in the House and Senate in 2009.
So just as a once married couple leave the courtroom facing in different directions and determined never to be in the same room again, so the Democratic leadership may find that the divorce between themselves and these voters, which has been taken for granted, may be moving into a situation in which some of their constituency has set up separate and permanent residency.