What DID really happen at Halabja?
For years now, we have been told by notorious well established liars that Saddam Hussein used gas, that is, chemical weapons, largely supplied by the US, on the Kurds in the northern village of Halabja.
George has iterated and reiterated this point perhaps a thousand times along with other excuses to invade Iraq. This incident occurred in March of 1998. Saddam allegedly had helicopters of US origin flying over the Village of Halabja dispensing chemical agents of such ferocity, that the affected people suddenly couldn’t breathe and died quickly.
There are “reports” claiming some 5000 people, mostly women and children died horribly because of this despicable act commissioned by Saddam Hussein. There are, however, some problems with the US perception of this story.
Now, of course this fact I’m sure has brought no one to their feet in amazement, but perhaps a little clarification is indicated. In the very first order of business in the trial of Hussein, one would have thought since this alleged incident was used countless times by the Bush Regime to influence the American people to agree to war, it would be at the top of the list of crimes Hussein was to be prosecuted and subsequently hanged for.
But no, the trial began over the alleged killing of some 143 people in Dajail for an attempted assassination of Hussein. But not the “gassing” of the Kurds. Why not? Could it be that it was yet another damned lie expectorated by the Bush rats? Were the Iranians in possession of Halabja at the time? Where the Kurds, well known to hate Hussein in the extreme sadly caught in the middle of a US supplied and supported war?
Further, it happened in 1988 some 13 or 14 years prior to the invasion of the neocons. Further, Halabja is right near the border of Iran, and at this very time in March of 1988, there was a fierce battle in progress in which both Iran AND Iraq were using chemical weapons. The story, used as proof of this heinous act came from Kurds who escaped to Turkey.
What we do know for fact is that the Kurds were indeed gassed and died. What we don’t know is who did it. On thing that amazes me in the extreme is how readily Americans are to accept the bilge that flows over the White House Press Secretary’s podium. Not just with George W either. More garbage is spat up there than in any land fill you’ll ever see.
Americans are all set to believe the US Government when they know this entity is the KING of liars. Well, this is one lie that we’ll take a good look at and mention some names. What if a noted Professor at the US ARMY War College, a former senior CIA analyst knew of a top secret memo spread on a “need to know” basis by the Defense Intelligence Agency that clearly stated the DIA had absolutely no evidence relating Hussein to the gassing of the Kurds, that it was the Iranians who did this deed.
It seems that this document virtually exonerating Hussein from this crime exists in stark contrast to what the US State Department declared as inalterable, unequivocal fact. That is, the political appointees are apparently far better informed than the spooks at Langley. Stephen C. Pelletiere, Douglas V. Johnson II and Leif R. Rosenberger are the people with Professor Pelletiere at the point who dug up this data. He wrote a letter to Senator (believe it or not) Jesse Helms which is available at the following site; http://www.polyconomics.com/searchbase/11-18-98.html
There was once a time when FDR said of US ally and terrorist Anastasio Somoza, “He may be a sonofabitch, but he’s our sonofabitch.” Sadly, Saddam Hussein falls into this category as well, as does Augusto Pinochet of Chile, The Duvalier’s in Haiti, Noriega in Panama, Marcos in the Philippines, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi of Iran to name a few. George’s Grandfather helped bankroll Adolf Hitler, and ended up with a citation for a violation of the Trading with the Enemy Act, and lost his bank over this.
Clearly the Bush’s and the Republicans have no problem sidestepping the truth and killing people. The US is responsible for over a million deaths in Iraq. The Iran Iraq war where the US diddled on both sides and Reagan slept through Ollie North selling Hawk missile systems to Iran, not to mention tires and parts for Iran’s F-14 fleet at a time when Iran was on the US terrorist watch list.
Old George had no problem setting Hussein up to take a big fall in the first Bushwar by green lighting the invasion of Kuwait via his Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie. The US held up nearly 6 billion dollars in food and medicine from Iraq which resulted in thousands of deaths during the ‘90s draconian sanctions. The US also received some 80% of the oil that Hussein sold against the terms of the UN Food for Oil Program.
I’d say it’s about time lots of folks got up off their dead asses and did some investigation about what their “government” is and has been up to. The story you find will beat anything Steven King has written. The US didn’t hurry Hussein to a necktie party as the guest of honor for nothing. Hussein, as is the case with many of the US puppets, has a huge quantity of “goods” on people like those in the Bush Crime Family.