Please let us know what you will do on Election Day
October 24, 2006 Just two more weeks until Election Day!
Those of you who have been hired as pollworkers, good for you! Please let us know the county and precinct you have been assigned to.
Those of you who will be pollwatchers - we need some information from you as well and there are instructions for all of you.
Make sure to visit The P4DNY page. There you will find a link to the online phone training and to the NY State specific pollwatching checklists. Please download those, study them and let me know if you have any questions about them.
Then visit the Pollwatchers for Democracy site for more information on pollwatching.
As you know, we will still be voting on lever machines this year, so some of the information on the P4D website does not apply to us this year. It will still be useful for you to check out all that info, since it will apply to us here in NY next year.
Here is what we need you to do:
In those counties where we have many sign-ups, the pollwatching effort will be organized by local county coordinators. Please watch out for updates from them regarding training sessions and pollwatcher certificates. Please make sure to attend the meetings and pick up your pollwatcher certificate there.
In counties with fewer sign-ups, we will provide you a pollwatcher certificate signed by the local Green Party chair (remember, we are pollwatching for them this year) or by the candidate, Rachel Treichler, herself.
In order for us to provide you with the pollwatcher certificates you will need to gain access to the polling places you want to observe, you need to send us the following information.
Important: Please follow these instructions:
Compose a new message, put "Questionnaire" in the subject line and copy the following text into your new message:
My name:
My County
My preferred precinct
Then enter your information and send it to
Unless we have that information from you, we can not provide you with pollwatcher certificates.