"John Murtha wants us to lose in Iraq."
Bill O'Reilly, Radio Factor 8/1/07
"The Left is committted to America's defeat."
Bill O'Reilly, Radio Factor 8/1/07
"20% of Americans believe (America) is evil"
Bill O'Reilly, Radio Factor 8/1/07
"Far left deeply committed to America's defeat"'
Bill O'Reilly, Radio Factor 7/30/07
"Senator Leahy is as far left as I've ever seen."
Bill O'Reilly, Radio Factor 7/30/07
"Military deaths are down in Iraq and that's progress."
Bill O'Reilly, Radio Factor, 8/1/07 responding to the fact that only 75 soldiers were killed in Iraq in July
"I'm giving it two more months...a drop dead date. Oil deal set in Iraq parliament. Iraqi fighters taking over the fight from our boys."
Bill O'Reilly, Radio Factor 6/20/07
"(Place Bill's spin for why he will deny his two month statement here)"
Bill O'Reilly, TV/Radio Factor 8/20/07
"I volunteered to serve our country during Viet Nam while the cowardly ducked military service."
Bill O'Reilly...Oops. I think I got Murtha and O'Reilly reversed. Sorry.
Steve Young is author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful" www.greatfailure.com and his weekly Sunday column appears to the left of Bill O'Reilly's every Sunday in the L.A. Daily News.