Barack Obama
Pledged: 1321
Superdelegates: 199
Total: 1,520
Hillary Clinton
Pledged: 1186
Superdelegates: 238
Total: 1,424
The remaining primaries cannot put either one of them over the top to 2,025. Furthermore, Obama's lead in pledged delegates is insurmountable. Of the 4,049 total delegates, about 800 are super delegates. That leaves about 3,250 elected delegates of which 2,500 have already been chosen. That means that there are only 750 delegates up for election in all the remaining primaries including Michigan and Florida if there is a do over.
Obama now leads Hillary in elected delegates by 135. Of the remaining 750 delegates remaining to be elected, she would need to win an average of a 58/42 per cent margin of victory in the remaining primaries. That would mean that she would need a 16 percentage point margin in every remaining primary. And she is not going to win some of the remaining states.
The super delegates will need to put either one into a majority of 2025 delegates. If Hillary is counting on them to do this, she is off base. That would truly divide the party and dis-enfranchise the African American vote. Furthermore, the remaining cost of the useless primary battles could be over $50 Million. That is why the analysts for all the major networks are happy to see this sickening battle go on. And that is what Hillary is counting upon. This is the media that she claims is biased against her. That media bias complaint is what the right wingers have always used falsely to make their case.
Hillary's campaign tactics are a xerox copy of Rove's campaign strategies. Rove would complain about the media bias and use terrorist scare tactics against the liberal opposition. This is the DLC approach to politics. Like Senator Lieberman, Hillary has now adopted the Republican approach to winning the primary. She would be better off making an agreement with Obama not to spend any money on the remaining primaries and give what they would have spent to a superfund to support universal health care. Unfortunately, Hillary is too selfish to allow this to happen.