We were a little vexed when Clinton campaign operative Billy Shaheen, lauded by most insiders as beyond reproach, cast aspersions at Barack Obama. Not satisfied with a reference to casual youthful drug use, team Clinton felt compelled to escalate this reference to suspicion of dealing drugs.
To no ones surprise Hillary Clinton quickly assured us that she would never condone such comments nor would it ever be tolerated. Mark Penn stated for the record that Shaheen had voluntarily resigned from the campaign as a result. Clinton has reversed that position telling Tim Russert on Meet the Press that she personally removed Shaheen when this occurred.
Days later Mark Penn in a live interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC delivers the drug dealer talking point again much to the consternation and disbelief of all. We have actually been programmed to expect these tactics as a matter of course.
Hillary Clinton goes on record to point out that while we should not forget the work that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance the Civil Rights Movement, his efforts somehow were of a lesser consequence were it not for the actions of President Lyndon Johnson.
Now the latest Clinton surrogate has come forward, billionaire media mogul Bob Johnson, armed to the teeth with the drug dealer talking points. The former owner of Black Entertainment Television had the audacity to excoriate Obama with not so subtle allegations of; "When Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood....that I won't say what he was doing....but he said it in the book".
Is it time to connect the dots? Even those who unabashedly revile the Clintons would be hard pressed to place any overtly racial invective at their doorstep. However it is quite plain to see the true modus operandi of Hillary Clinton at her worst.
The comparison of Barack Obama and Dr. King as masters of oratory, yet in the final analysis not quite good enough to deliver the prize according to the self serving revisionist history of Hillary Clinton. Now comes Bob Johnson who at the behest of this rabid campaign disparages Obama as less than authentic as it relates to the African American experience and the Civil Rights Movement.
The nexus of events is pathetic. Doesn't pass the giggle test. The Hillary playbook is all too familiar by now. Divide, conquer, obfuscate, triangulate and repeat this sequence ad nauseum.
The moral compass of this nation will not tolerate a presidential candidate who time after time demonstrates such disdain and disregard for decency and genuine civil discourse. Moreover, at a time when we need to elevate the political conversation to greater heights, Hillary Clinton prefers to exacerbate a racial divide at any cost to gain precious polling points.
Some pundits will tell you that as ideologues Obama and Clinton are very similar. As far as I'm concerned that is patently absurd. Issues come and go, what endures are the righteous deeds of our leaders.
On this day when we commemorate the immeasurable champion of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., let his words echo now and forever; "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character".
Happy Birthday Dr. King, the world is better place thanks to you.