The best shot to send a message, afiring shot over the bow to Democratic invertebrates is to dump the worst of the invertebrate incumbents-- Joe Lieberman.
Ned Lamont is the real deal, running against him and he has a good chance. The problem is the democratic "machine--" the old timers who stand at the polls all day telling the people who don't pay much attention all year who to vote for. While the word is that PA is THE election in November. Connecticut is THE election to watch this year for Democrats. This summer, if you have any hope of seeing Democrats DO anything, then help Lamont beat Joe Lieberman, probably the worst, most Republican-like Democrat in the US senate.
Go to Connecticut and canvas. Volunteer to do phone banking from you home. Send money. Blog about it.
Let's talk about the DLC. When I use the acronym, it is a dirty word, just like, for Rush Limbaugh dittoheads, liberal is a dirty word. A DLC democrat is an invertebrate, turncoat, rightwing, cowardly, consorting with the enemy saboteur who does nothing but enable the Republicans. People who put up with them are either deluded or colluding.
We need to show them the door or convert them. Maybe we should help them start a new centrist third party. It would probably pick up an awful lot of disgusted republicans who can't stand Bush, but who, having been born and raised Republican, can't imagine voting Democrat. That's a risky thing to do, but it helped Clinton when Perot took the same path.
Bottom line, dump the bastards. Start with Lieberman and, in CA Jane Harman, who has sided with the reptilians too many times. Get the ball rolling.