Monday Rush Limbaugh took time from his normal routine of tearing new-ones for his foes to speculate to listeners about "if somebody got to the page and said, you know, we want you to set Foley up. We need to do a little titillating thing here." Then Limbaugh butted-in that he did not want to be misunderstood but that "the orgy and the orgasm that has been taking place in the media since Friday and with the Democrats is -- it's all coordinated, and it's all -- it's all oriented toward the election. There's no concern about the kid -- no concern about the children." I don't know about you, but I can't count the ecstatic orgasms shared with liberals both in the neighborhood and at work since finding out that a Congressman had been Datelined.
After all, according to Limbaugh, "there's not even any real problem with what Foley did, as we've discussed. In their [Democrats'] hearts and minds and their crotches, they don't have any problem with what Foley did. They've defended it over the -- over the years." My God, Limbaugh has his head so far in the dark that he can't even defend Foley from being caught as a gay predator without calling gay those who stopped the predator.
Limbaugh also postured strongly for Foley by claiming that there's no proof that Foley ever had sex with underage boys. Thus, according to Limbaugh, Foley's inappropriate emails to minors were"were just words, like the Pope." Apparently, Limbaugh was referencing the recent ill-chosen quote the Pope used which outraged many Muslims and triggered inappropriate reactions from fundamentalist Muslims. Then, not wanting to miss the opportunity, Limbaugh imagined how "the Muslims would go after this," meaning Foley being caught for going after boys.
To drive home his claim that liberals and fundamentalist Muslims are alike in their reactions, Limbaugh said "The release of all this was not to save the children. It was not to take a predator off the streets. This was a strategic move to help the Democrats. They could have known it before the Republicans. It would appear so." Of course, Limbaugh didn't find fault with any of the Republican leadership who have apparently known about Foley for years. Limbaugh blamed the slow release of the emails on House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-CA. Somehow you just knew either a Democrat or a woman (or both) was responsible. Anybody, that is, other than a good Republican man like Foley.
Limbaugh sounds ever so familiar. How many times have I heard lines similar to his. "I am not trying to make any excuses but . . ." is usually how it has started out all the times that I have heard cornered pedophiles and their enablers try to defend their crimes. "Yes, it might be true that I had relationships with the little girl but she was provoking me." "Yes, I know that I shouldn't have had sex with that four year old boy but I had too much to drink and smoke." "Yes, Foley might have been trying to have sex with underage boys but the Democrats were trying to trap him so they could win the elections. Besides, Democrats are all gay themselves. So why are they complaining about Foley?"
When pedophiles and enablers start excusing inexcusable behavior, and turn to blaming others, including the victim, I know they are trying to save themselves from getting jail time. When Limbaugh rushes to posture firmly behind Foley, I reckon he's trying to get him some prime time.
Rush Limbaugh, Mark Foley, Gay Republican scandal, Pedophiles, Congress, Republicans, Republican party, Media Matters, Nancy Pelosi , Dateline, Predators