Ann Coulter advocated carpet bombing Iran. Pat Robertson called for the killing of Hugo Chavez. Michael Savage said a bunker bomb should be dropped on the United Nations. Fred Barnes said that liberal Democrats and progressives are "[m]uch meaner" than Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage. Even NBC reporter Chip Reid said that "It is amazing how angry they [antiwar activists] get . . ."
Now Michelle Malkin offers "proof" of how dangerous and out of hand these wild-eyed liberal pacifists are. She gives five examples of "unhinged" liberals rampaging wildly. The first comes from Australia where Northern Irish Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams said that "Right now, I would love to kill George Bush."
Her next evidence of how angry and unhinged liberals are comes from comments left for Sgt. Leonid Milkin at an America Online Message Board. The sergeant's wife, two sons and sister-in-law were murdered while he was in Iraq. The messages were:
"Too bad the paid assasin [sic] wasn't home also . . . Got what he deserved for serving an illegal government in an illegal war."
Yep, Michelle, those anonymous comments on an internet message board rank write up there with Ann Coulter saying the editor of the NY Times should be executed for treason or Michael Savage calling for the United Nations to be bombed. By the way, why didn't Ann Coulter get arrested for having claimed to have mailed fake anthrax to the NY Times?
Here's another killer example of violent pacifists. An Arizona "anti-war huckster" sells T-shirts with the names of killed soldiers. A mother asked the vendor to take her son's name off the T-shirt but the pacifist wouldn't do it. Isn't that violently unhinged?
If that mountain of evidence isn't enough, Malkin asks "Want another dose?" A New Zealand peace activist was charged with assault in London. He attacked a rival for a young lady's affection. If that isn't proof of the hypocrisy of antiwar politics, I don't know what is.
Finally, for her piece de resistance, Malkin lists an incident at a "peace rally in Boston convened by the Muslim American Society" in which a Jewish man with a videocamera was verbally and physically threatened by "pro-Hezbollah thugs."
Such is the proof offered by Malkin of how unhinged liberals are. Then she concludes that "If the "peace" activists gone wild had an iota of the same anger, contempt and callousness toward the jihadists as they do toward us, we'd be a lot closer to achieving the peace they love to preach." In reality, given neo-conservative anger, contempt and callousness, we are a lot closer to the World War the war activists preach.
Tags: Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, Fred Barnes, Michael Savage, Betty Williams, Rush Limbaugh, Chip Reid, Antiwar movement, Pacifists