"Onward Christians soldiers, marching as to war" is a song surely most everyone has heard. Funny, there's no song like "Onward Christian peacemakers, peaceing as in love." But, you might say, there's no such word as peaceing.
In reality, there are two archaic meanings for the verb peace. The intransitive form means to chill yourself out. This form is never used anymore except perhaps when we imperatively say "peace" to settle people down. The transitive meaning is to make quiet. How weak this is when compared to either form of the verb "war." For the intransitive form we get to make war, to carry on hostilities, to contend and strive. The transitive form is the same stuff expressed even more strongly. As for peace and its verbs, they are passive and weak. Synonyms for the transitive meaning of peace include the likes of pacify, placate and tranquilize. All of these sounds like what you would do to an upset baby. We don't have a very good vocabulary at all when it comes to peace.
On the other hand, we have an extensive lexicon of strong action verbs related to war. Even war is often used as a verb. We war against each other. We war, fight or combat poverty, illiteracy and disease. But when it comes to peace, we must seek peace, strive for peace, make peace or pray for peace. Peace is like the Holy Grail and we must work or do something in order to get it. Peace is always a noun and then used as a direct or indirect object. Which is the way we seem to treat peace, that it is weak and conditional upon other elements. We view peace as a byproduct or result, often only accomplished through warfare. For many of us that warfare is psychological and/or spiritual combat. We very rarely treat peace as a beginning point or as a way to increase peace. In short, we never actively peace.
Thus, the question becomes to peace or not to peace. We reap what we sow. War can only bring war. Hate only germinates hate. Peace is the way to peace. And hopefully by now you realize that when I am using peace I am also using it as a transitive verb and not only as a noun. Imagine the verb to peace to be like the verb to love. We can talk about love as both a noun and a verb. What I propose is that we treat peace in the same manner. Let's use it as an action verb. I also propose that we go beyond the obsolete usages of being synonyms for calming. That's certainly a key element but the verb to peace is like a rich wine that is complex with layers of flavors and suggestions. For me, to peace has shades of meaning such as to assure, benefit, bless, calm, comfort, console, defuse, empathize, empower, enhance, enlighten, heal, help, inspire, love, motivate, radiate, reassure and sympathize. Our vocabulary must become stronger for peace and related aspects for compassion, kindness and mercy. I can't think of a single, common transitive verb for any of these nouns associated with peace.
Peace is not passive. Peace is proactive. Peace seeks all answers for peace is patient. Peace is kind and gentle, never rude and condescending, always celebrating the good and never rejoicing in evil. Peace endures all things, suffers all things and overcomes all things.
When I was a child, I fantasized as a child. Now that I am old and speak as a man, I still see as if looking into a mirror in the dead of midnight. But I will peace even now as I am peaced. For since before the beginning of time and even after the end of all times, Peace peaces. Worry not, for Peace is with you even in the valley of the shadows of death and in the belly of the beast. May peace beyond all understanding be one with you and may you peace beyond understanding with One and all.
Tags: Peace, Peacemakers, Christian Peacemakers, Liberal Christianity, Progressive Christianity, Linguistics
From Jesus was a Liberal