There is so much discontent in America today -- so many folks trying to do something in opposition to Bush and his policies -- we now have an unprecedented array of options for showing our displeasure and outrage.
No matter your life-style or circumstances, there is an easily accessible community or online action designed just for you:
- If you can't join in a general strike because you can't afford a day without pay or you're afraid you'll get fired, then you always have the option to attend a march or rally held in the evening or over a weekend;
- If you are afraid to participate in a public march or rally because you reasonably believe you might get arrested, labeled a terrorist and/or added to a no-fly list, then you can still sign a petition, lobby, call or write to your elected official;
- And if ANY kind of action that would call attention to your progressive political view terrifies you, then send a few bucks to a candidate or a cause you believe in.
But it seems that DO-NOTHING is what some of you are suggesting!
If we had a nickel for every time we see the comment -- "what good will it do?" -- at the bottom of an idea or a call to action, we'd have enough money to get Dennis Kucinich elected President.
We are SO sick and tired of hearing -- especially from progressives -- that whatever we do, nothing will come of it.
This negative forgone conclusion has become a self-fulfilling prophecy!
So, if YOU are one of those folks who DO NOTHING because you believe no matter what you do it will not make a bit of difference -- then at least do us all a favor and SHUT-UP about it already!Even without your paralyzing prognostications, it is difficult to stay focused and optimistic (feelings that are necessary for creativity and life) in the face of disastrous Repugnican policies and Democratic cowardice.
If you keep it up, we'll all be so discouraged we'll have to stay in bed with our heads under the covers until January 2009!
So please, either come up with a positive solution that is superior to all of the others that you are poo-pooing or use your naysaying negativity skills to deflate the ideas floated by the right-wing instead.
See Rob Kall's article for making and debunking arguments against impeachment. It makes for an eye-opening read.
Check out KucinichTV -- a positive solution to the dearth of campaign coverage in the MSM
Visit Cindy Sheehan's campaign website